Polish Briefing: Oil from the US will come to Gdańsk. New deliveries are on their way


What goes on in Poland on the 30th of October.

Jastrzębski: Oil from the US will come to Gdańsk. New deliveries are on their way

Lotos will receive oil from the US. This is a beginning of series of deliveries from this and other countries aimed to lower dependence from the main supplier, Russia.

Lotos CEO talked about gaining the resource from new sources. – A ship with American oil has lately departed. We are on our way to supplies sources diversification – said Jastrzębski. He also admitted that after light oil from Iran had been tested, the company has not managed to bring hard oil from this country. – After realization of EFRA we would like term contracts to appear – he said. He meant term contracts for timely oil deliveries.

USA is considering new sanctions against Russia. Nord Stream 2 out of the list

American administration has presented a list of Russian entities that could be sanctioned in retaliation for Russia’s interference with last year’s presidential elections in the USA. Controversial pipeline Nord Stream 2 is not among them.

There are no entities from energy sector on the list. US Senate entitled the US president to impose sanctions on entities engaged in a controversial project Nord Stream 2. A threat of those sanctions has enlarged the investment risk, as one of finance partners, French ENGIE admitted.

The sanctions will affect transactions set in the day and after announcing the act. They will affect „significant” transactions, rated individually by US State Department. It will take security, foreign policy, nature and transaction scale regards into consideration. If the transaction is rated as „insignificant”, the sanctions will not consider it.