Polish Briefing: PGE, Enea and Tauron want to cooperate in offshore

Offshore wind farms. Photo: BiznesAlert.pl
Offshore wind farms. Photo: BiznesAlert.pl

What goes on in Poland on the 18th of January.

PGE, Enea and Tauron want to cooperate in offshore

PGE, Enea and Tauron want to cooperate on offshore wind energy projects. A letter of intent in this matter is to be signed during a press conference on Monday, January 18th. Two years earlier, PGE signed a similar letter with PKN Orlen. Cooperation with other companies with the participation of the state treasury may include applying for new concessions.

PGE (Polska Grupa Energetyczna) announced that the conference will be held on the occasion of signing a letter of intent regarding future cooperation in the field of offshore wind energy between PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, Enea and Tauron Polska Energia.


In Tauron’s case, it will not be the first contract of this kind. At the end of December 2020, the company signed a cooperation agreement with OW OFFSHORE, a company owned by EDP Renovaveis and ENGIE. The agreement is to lead to the construction of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea. As part of the contract, the company assumes that it will take over 50 percent of shares in OW companies, which have wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea in their portfolio. OW, in turn, will seek to acquire half of the shares in Tauron’s companies that own wind farm projects in the Baltic Sea. Projects are currently at the stage of submitting applications for permits for the construction of artificial islands.


Enea has been looking for a partner for cooperation in offshore wind farms for several months. From June to September, Enea and the Spanish Iberdrola conducted exclusive negotiations regarding the assessment of the feasibility of Enea and Iberdrola’s capital investment in the indicated wind farm projects and their joint preparation, construction and operation with a total capacity of approx. 3.3 GW. At the beginning of autumn, however, Enea announced the end of cooperation with Iberdrola Eólica Marina as part of a letter of intent signed in June regarding a potential investment in offshore wind farms in the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea. This means that the companies will not jointly develop this project. Enea, however, did not abandon this undertaking. The company announced that it would soon present new information about its involvement in the offshore wind farm sector.


The offshore program of Polska Grupa Energetyczna provides for the construction of three wind farms, of which the Baltica-2 Wind Farm is the second investment of the PGE Group with a signed connection agreement. Earlier, in 2014, another company of the PGE Group – Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica-3 concluded an agreement with Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne for connection of the Baltica-3 offshore wind farm to the transmission grid. In turn, in June PSE issued technical connection conditions for the Baltica-1 Wind Power Plant. In the case of the Baltica-2 and Baltica-3 projects, PGE cooperates with the Danish company Orsted.