Polish Briefing: PGNiG will not compete for the capacity of the Europipe II | Orlen has chosen turbines for wind farms in the Baltic Sea


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of September.

PGNiG will not compete for the capacity of the Europipe II

PGNiG does not need additional nominations for the capacity of the Europipe II gas pipeline to deliver gas through the Baltic Pipe to Poland, the company informed in response to the BiznesAlert.pl question.

PGNiG referred to media reports regarding the lack of capacity of the Europipe II gas pipeline, which is the link between the Norwegian continental shelf and the Danish transmission system.

– PGNiG does not have to compete with other companies for the capacity of the Europipe II gas pipeline to which the Baltic Pipe is connected. The capacity of gas pipelines is determined by the capacity of exit points (terminals), not the pipelines themselves. The more exit points, the more gas can be pumped into the pipeline. The launch of the Baltic Pipe will therefore increase the capacity of Europipe II, explains PGNiG in response.

The company explains that this fact confirms the method of reserving capacity not for the entire length of the gas pipeline, but only for exit points. – PGNiG has an appropriate capacity reserved at the Nybro point, which is the beginning of the Baltic Pipe, and therefore has sufficient capacity in the Europipe II gas pipeline to send the entire volume of gas that the company intends to bring to Poland to the Baltic Pipe – explains PGNiG.

Orlen has chosen turbines for wind farms in the Baltic Sea

76 turbines, each with a capacity of 15 MW, will form the Baltic Power wind farm, a joint project of the Orlen Group and Northland Power. Baltic Power has signed reservation agreements for the supply of turbines, cables exporting the generated energy to land and the construction of an onshore energy receiving station. The investment is scheduled to start in 2024.

On the area of ​​the Baltic Power farm, which is approximately 130 km2, 76 Vestas turbines will be built, each with a production capacity of 15 MW. They are currently one of the most advanced turbines available on the market, and Baltic Power will be one of the first wind farms in the world to use them. The height of the turbines will exceed 200 meters, and the rotor area of ​​each of them is approximately 43,000 square meters.