Polish Briefing: PKN Orlen wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050


What goes on in Poland on the 9th of September.

PKN Orlen wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050

– ​PKN ORLEN S.A. (“PKN ORLEN”, “Company”) informs that on 9 September 2020 Company’s Management Board accepted PKN ORLEN aspirations in terms of climate neutrality by 2050 and CO2 reduction targets by 2030. The Company plans to reduce CO2 emissions on currently owned refining and petrochemical assets by 20% and in energy by 33% CO2/MWh of the produced electrical energy. The Company estimates that CAPEX on projects reducing CO2 emissions, including expenditures on energy efficiency projects, offshore wind farms investments, inland renewable energy sources as well as biofuels investments portfolio will amount to over PLN 25 bn by 2030 – says the company in a press release.

The government is planning changes to the special act to facilitate the construction of Harmony Link

The so-called the special transmission act will be amended. Its goal is to be, among others, elimination of interpretative doubts in the application of its provisions. Regulations are also to appear that will allow for the preparation and implementation of investments in the maritime areas of the Republic of Poland, such as an investment consisting in the construction of a connection between the transmission systems of the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Lithuania. It is about connecting Poland and Lithuania with the Harmony Link power cable. Amendments concerning also the act on investment in the scope of the liquefied natural gas regasification terminal in Świnoujście from 2019 and unify the provisions of acts regulating the process of preparation and implementation of investments.

Draft amendment of the so-called of the special transmission act was published on Tuesday and sent for opinion and consultation. Arrangements and opinions are to take 14 days.

The list of legislative works states that the government wants to amend the so-called special transmission act and a number of other acts. The body responsible for developing the project is the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure. The planned date for the adoption of the draft by the Council of Ministers is the third quarter of 2020.