Poland and the US discuss nuclear power, LNG and energy security | The City of Warsaw will provide Lviv with generators and fuel


What goes on in Poland on the 22nd of December.

Poland and the US discuss nuclear power, LNG and energy security

Poland and the US are discussing energy security, including the diversification of energy supplies and sources. During the meeting, which took place on December 19, 2022 in Brussels, the parties discussed the most important joint nuclear energy and LNG projects.

Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa met with Wally Adeyemo, Undersecretary of the US Treasury. The topic of the meeting was energy security, including the diversification of energy supplies and sources.

– Poland supports the embargo on oil from Russian pipelines. In order to be effective, it must be made at the level of effective EU regulations, said Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa during the meeting.
– We have proposed to the European Commission equalizing mechanisms in the next sanctions package. This would make it possible to equalize prices on the market and maintain good prices in Poland. Because our prices are among the best in the EU – stressed Anna Moscow.

The City of Warsaw will provide Lviv with generators and fuel

The Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, assured that he would donate generators and fuel to the city of Lviv. “Because there is a need,” he said.

The Mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadowy, came to Warsaw for a short visit, and was hosted by the Mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, in the capital city hall. Trzaskowski pointed out that although Wrocław is Lviv’s partner city, other cities also support Lviv, including Warsaw. – We know that Lviv’s main problem now is to provide energy to the entire city, so we buy power generators because there is such a demand. There is also demand for fuel and I think that we will also be able to solve this problem – he added.

He reminded that the mayor of Lviv has been striving for many months in Brussels for the implementation of the Unbroken – Unbreakable project, which is to consist in the construction of a rehabilitation center in Lviv for war victims who need such support. – We will try to get involved in this project, because it is a much needed project. Thousands of people come to Lviv from places that are brutally bombed and destroyed by the Russian occupiers. As always, we help.