Polish Briefing: Poland pays for gas 30-40 per cent more than the West. Nord Stream 2 – a test of solidarity


What goes on in Poland on the 21st of September.

Kroplewski: Poland for gas pays 30-40 per cent more than the West

Nord Stream 2 construction is dangerous both for Poland and the region – said PGNiG vice-president Łukasz Kroplewski during the Nafta Gaz Chemia 2017 conference. – Russia is an unsure partner and Gazprom should treat us like it treats its Western partners – he added.

-We are treated 30-40 per cent worse than a Western partner – he said. When asked by a moderator, he admitted that „it was about price”.

Kroplewski estimated that a controversial European Commission’s decision about OPAL pipeline and construction of Nord Stream 2 are especially dangerous. – Germany will be able to receive over 100 billion cubic meters of gas a year. This might disable the diversification process in the region. This volume of gas is too much – he stressed.

-Poland mines 4,5 billion cubic metres of gas a year. Thanks to our concessions in Norway, we want to mine 2,5 billion cubic meters of gas – he said.

Will Paweł Stańczak not become a chairman of Ukrtranshaz? „His candidacy has been blocked by intelligence”

Security Servive of Ukraine (SBU) has blocked Polish manager Paweł Stańczak’s appointment for chairman’s position at a state-owned company Ukrtranshaz – informed Andriy Kobolev, a chairman of Naftohaz on Wednesday.

Ukrtransahz is a gas pipelines’ operator and manages underground gas reservoirs in Ukraine. All of its shares belong to Naftohaz. Pole’s candidacy had earlier been approved by Naftohaz’s supervisory group.

-In our opinion, we have chosen a very accurate person who was supposed to become a chairman of Ukrtranshaz. A man who had earlier worked at PGNiG and created Gaz-System with his own hands. His nomination has now been blocked by SBU that keeps discretion clause towards Ukrtranshaz – said Kobolev during a press conference in Kiev.

Tobiszowski: Nord Stream 2 devides Europe. This will be a test for European solidarity

Buttressing Russia’s dominant possition as a natural recourses exporter to the European Union is contradictory to Energy Union concept and security of deliveries – said vice-minister of energy Grzegorz Tobiszewski during a conference Nafta-Gaz-Chemia 2017.

-Our statement towards Nord Stream 2 construction is obvious. We consequently present it at discussion forums devoted to this subject within the EU. Our voice is clearly heard in Brussels – said vice-minister Tobiszowski. He added that realization of this project will consolidate internal division of the European Union on the line East-West. – An argument of this controversial project will be a test for the European solidarity and EU’s ability of obeying its own law – he marked.