Polish Briefing: Poland has launched fuel supplies to Ukraine | Orlen is diversifying its oil supplies to buy as little as possible from Russia


What goes on in Poland on the 3rd of March.

Poland has launched fuel supplies to Ukraine

The Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa participated in an extraordinary meeting of the governing council of the International Energy Agency. The talks focused on supporting Ukraine and the oil market in the face of the current geopolitical situation. – Thanks to the measures taken by the Polish government, fuels are already being delivered to Ukraine – said the minister.

The meeting took place on March 1, 2022. Minister Anna Moskwa emphasized that Poland strongly condemned Russia’s military attack on Ukraine. – We support all projects aimed at supplying Ukraine with raw materials. Thanks to the measures taken by the Polish government, fuels are already being delivered to Ukraine. Many countries offer their financial support in organizing deliveries to our neighbor – she said.

Orlen is diversifying its oil supplies to buy as little as possible from Russia

PKN Orlen informs that it fully secures crude oil supplies to refineries in Poland, the Czech Republic and Lithuania. – The supply of raw materials is carried out on an ongoing basis. When deliveries from the eastern direction are suspended, deliveries will be made from alternative directions. PKN Orlen has reached an agreement on increased deliveries of 5 additional tankers from Saudi Aramco. In addition, supplies of North Sea crude oil types have been secured to Orlen Lietuva, the company states.

Orlen argues that the continuity of operation of the Orlen Group plants in Europe is and will be secured. – This is mainly the result of the diversification activities carried out by the Concern over the last four years. In 2013, as much as 98 percent of the raw material processed in Płock was REBCO crude oil, i.e. from the east. Currently, this grade is processed in only about 50 percent, the rest comes from, among others, from Saudi Arabia, the USA or West Africa. – The continuity of operation of our refineries and the energy security of Poland is a priority for us. We are in constant contact with our partners, producers of raw materials in the world, we are able to secure supplies from alternative directions. We are already using spot purchases on an ongoing basis to secure the operation of the refinery. It is possible, because for four years we have been strongly focusing on the diversification of raw material supplies. Additionally, as the only refinery in this part of Europe, we have full warehouses of raw material in salt caverns in our company IKS Solino, which additionally protect and strengthen our independence – says Daniel Obajtek, President of PKN Orlen.