Polish Briefing: Poland is selling EU ETS allowances with better price | New changes in Polish nuclear company


What goes in Poland on 12th of August?

Poland is selling EU ETS allowances with better price

On 11th of August Poland has sold over 1,2 mln of CO2 allowances with a price of 56,69 euro per EUA. Few days before, on 4th of August the price of Polish allowances was 55 euro.

Poland is selling its CO2 emission allowances from EU Emission Trading Scheme and using the funds gathered by doing so to support the budget. The main goal of those funds is to support energy transition though. Regulatory changes in EU are aimed at directing them strictly for this purpose.


New changes in Polish nuclear company

Polskie Elektrownie Jądrowe (Polish Nuclear Power Plants) company owned by the government has lost its acting president Robert Ostrowski who changed his job for a position in Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa. There is no information about a new president yet.

Poland wants to have 6-9 GW of nuclear power in 2043 with first nuclear reactor in 2033. It is to decide on technology in 2022. Companies from USA, France and South Korea expressed their interest in this program.


Wojciech Jakóbik