Polish Briefing: Poland for a mandate for EC-Russia negotiations on Nord Stream 2. Tusk’s support


What goes on in Poland on the 23rd of October.

Polish and German transmission network operators will regulate overseas gas transfer

Gaz-System and German gas transmission network operator Ontrans have started consultations about increase ability project for intersystem Poland-Germany connection.

Based on report on scores of market demand for increase ability and both technical and economic analyses, operators have worked out an initial proposal for increase ability project for Poland-Germany connection, which is now submitted to market consultations.

According to the initial schedule, first auction of a yearly product and economic test have been planned for July 2019. Construction stage is supposed to be initiated only in case of bonding market solution on an appropriate level and a positive outcome of economic test.

Poland for a mandate for EC-Russia negotiations on Nord Stream 2. Tusk’s support

Prime-minister Beata Szydło said on a press conference in Brussels that Poland expects that the European Commission will get a mandate for EU-Russia negotiations about Nord Stream 2.

– First of all we expect that the European Commission will get a mandate for EU-Russia negotiations about Nord Stream 2. We have also raised an issue of the Third Energy Package. We believe that this should be stated for the European Council and at the same time this investment should be a subject to the EU law – she said.

Prime-minister added that the „political aspect of this investment” is clear for Poland.

As she reported, she appealed to the European Commission for accelerating legislation and legal works in case of Nord Stream 2 construction. – I am happy to say that my voice in the discussion has been supported by other heads of governments, president Donald Tusk raised this issue too – said Szydło.

Not only Poland, but several other member states have raised the Nord Stream 2 issue during EU summit. Warsaw’s statement has been supported by the president of the European Council Donald Tusk. President of the European Commission announced new regulations – informed a diplomatic source quoted by Polish Press Agency.

Tchórzewski: Decision about nuclear power plant construction this year

I think the decision should be made this year – said Krzysztof Tchórzewski, minister of energy when asked when the decision on nuclear energy in Poland can be expected.

The minister added that „when leading talks with the European Commission to reach a formal agreement for keeping coal as a main energy source in our mix – in a large extent, because we are talking about 50 per cent in 2050 – we have to ensure reduction of CO2 emissions. This cannot be reached without nuclear energy”.

When asked whether the case is yet certain, he responded: – We are in a necessity situation. The costs are obviously large, it is also a civilization challenge. But we have to and we will do it for balance of our country. Poland must develop in a balanced way and no environments can suffer from it. If we started to quit coal more deeply, we would have to deal with a civilization crisis in Silesia. We cannot let that happen. We have to remember that the people of Silesia have to live normally, like the rest of Poland – said the minister.