Polish Briefing: Poland may import additional gas via Slovakia | The government wants to to lower coal prices


What goes on in Poland on the 7th of June.

Poland may import additional gas via Slovakia

Ultimately, Poland may increase the capacity of LNG supplies for import to Slovakia, but this year it will be able to import gas through this country for its own needs. – The connection with Slovakia with a capacity of 5.7 billion cubic meters will be ready soon. This is a completely emergency protection, rather for Slovaks. It is also about physical deliveries from the south. PGNiG is in talks on this matter – said the Minister of Climate of the Republic of Poland Anna Moskwa in an interview with BiznesAlert.pl.

We asked PGNiG for comment. – PGNiG carries out natural gas supplies from various directions, including from the west (Germany) and south (Czech Republic), as well as from the LNG terminal in Świnoujście and the terminal in Klaipeda, thanks to the gas connection between Poland and Lithuania (GIPL) launched in May. The commissioning of an interconnector connecting the transmission systems of Poland and Slovakia will additionally increase the possibilities of transmitting natural gas, strengthening the energy security of the region – reminds the company.

– It is worth noting that PGNiG Supply and Trading (PST) – a company from the PGNiG Capital Group – is already present on the Slovak gas market, and the completed interconnection will increase the existing trading opportunities, informs PGNiG.

The government wants to to lower coal prices

A government spokesman says there is a plan to shorten coal supply chains to households with the help of Treasury companies by removing middlemen so that prices drop despite the crisis.

The government spokesman, Piotr Müller, informed in an interview with Polsat News about the planned changes. The government wants to change the supply chain, which is to have a positive effect on the price of the raw material. – We want to use State Treasury companies to shorten the supply chains. Eliminate intermediaries and the margins they impose, because they are currently very large – even several hundred PLN – said Müller.