Polish Briefing: Poles will not get higher energy bills in 2023 | The Gdańsk FSRU to receive EU financing


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of December.

Poles will not get higher energy bills in 2023

– Companies have applied for electricity prices up to three times higher than at present. This means that we could have paid that much since January if the protective measures had not been implemented – writes Business Insider. According to the portal, the increases could reach 180-200 percent, but the Energy Regulatory Office rejected the companies’ requests, and the government will freeze prices in 2023.

Enea, Energa and Tauron applied for these increases to the Energy Regulatory Office, which is to set tariffs for 2023 in December. Last year they reached tens of percent. Next year, they will be lowered thanks to the mechanism of freezing energy prices introduced by the government. Consumption of up to 2000 MWh in households with a higher limit in large families, farmers and households with the disabled will be covered by the frozen tariff at the level from 2022.

– The level of tariffs set by the regulator for next year is therefore not important for consumers, but crucial for sellers. Companies that sell ectricity at a reduced price will receive compensation, calculated as the difference between the tariff set for 2023 and the rates provided for in the act. So, the higher the tariff approved by the Energy Regulatory Office, the higher the compensation will go to the seller, explains Business Insider.

The Gdańsk FSRU will receive European money

Under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European Commission granted the LNG Gdańsk project co-financing for the development of technical specifications and carrying out design works. The maximum amount of support granted is approx. EUR 19.6 million. In the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this decision emphasizes the importance of the project for strengthening the security of supply and independence from Russian gas, as well as increasing the availability of LNG for Poland and the region.

The decision of the European Commission to grant Gaz-System financial assistance for the LNG Gdańsk project for “Pre-investment works to obtain a construction permit for the offshore part of PCI 6.27 LNG Gdańsk (PL)”, was approved by the EU Member States on December 7, 2022 . The formal adoption of the decision will take place in the coming weeks. The funding was awarded as part of the CEF Energy grant competition launched in May 2022. The co-financing covers works such as seabed research, environmental inventory, FEED (Front End Engineering Design), construction and executive design, as well as obtaining the necessary decisions and administrative permits – including a building permit.