Polish Briefing: Polish energy strategy to be approved? | Poland-France nuclear talks

Nuclear fuel rods. Photo. Pixabay
Nuclear fuel rods. Photo. Pixabay

What goes in Poland on 2nd of February?

Poland could finally approve its energy strategy

The Polish government’s work schedule includes a resolution on the Polish Energy Policy by 2040. Poland has already agreed on the Polish Nuclear Energy Programme with first nuclear reactor to be built in 2033. The governmental approval of the PEP 2040 with nuclear energy and renewables included, could lead to final decisions on such an investment.

Poland-France nuclear talks

The French Minister of Trade Franck Riester and EDF CEO Jean-Bernard Levy are to visit Poland on the 2nd of February to discuss nuclear cooperation. Poland wants to have its first nuclear reactor in 2033, but needs financial and technological partners. It agreed on civic nuclear cooperation with the United States, which are to present a financing scheme by the end of 2021, but Poles could also use French technology or nuclear fuel.

Wojciech Jakóbik