Polish Briefing: Polish EU ETS reform proposal is being discussed already


Poland presented its idea for EU Emission Trading Scheme reform. Polish government argues for “more just CO2 allowances distribution”. Viceminister for climate and environment Adam Guibourge-Czetwertyński explains Polish position in an interview.

According to Poland ETS is not providing an optimal allocation scheme. It is not supporting investment in areas where it is mostly needed and brings most of CO2 emission reductions. Poland looks to discuss its proposal with other member states after European Comission presents its own reform idea in June 2021.

– We are discussing this issue with European Comission and other member states already – assured Guibourge-Czetwertyński.

Wojciech Jakóbik

Guibourgé-Czetwertyński: Polska chce sprawiedliwej reformy systemu handlu emisjami (ROZMOWA)