Polish Briefing: Polluted oil in Mažeikiai? Orlen denies


What goes on in Poland on the 19th of July.

Polluted oil in Mažeikiai? Orlen denies

In June, the Orlen refinery in Lithuania could have obtained the supply of contaminated oil from Russia, according to the LETA / BNS agency. Orlen denies these reports.

According to LETA / BNS information, at the end of June, the raw material with significantly exceeded organic chloride content was delivered by Klaipedos Nafta by rail to the Mažeikiai refinery, and not via Orlen Lietuva terminal in Butyndze, from where the Polish company imports oil to Mažeikiai. The vesselfinder.com portal, referred to by The Baltic Course, said that on June 29 the tanker Mendeleev Prospect, under the Liberian flag, entered the port of Klaipeda. According to the LETA / BNS agency, it was the only tanker that brought crude oil to Klaipeda in June. Orlen Lietuva, Klaipedos Nafta and Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai did not answer the agency’s questions.

BiznesAlert.pl asked the press office of PKN Orlen, the parent company Orlen Lietuva, for a comment. – It is not true that polluted oil hit the refinery in Mažeikiai. We assure you that the crude processed in Mažeikiai meets the GOST standard and meets the quality requirements. The situation has no impact on the drivers visiting Orlen Lietuva fuel stations. Both petrol and diesel meet all quality parameters and are completely safe. This has been the case so far and nothing has changed in this respect – informs us Orlen office.