Polish Briefing: It is possible that PGNiG will completely switch to gas from the Northern Gateway


What goes on in Poland on the 4th of January.

Woźniak: It is possible that PGNiG will completely switch to gas from the Northern Gateway

Signing new contracts for LNG deliveries is one of company’s three main goals for this year – said PGNiG’s CEO Piotr Woźniak in an interview for „Rzeczpospolita”.

When asked whether diversification of supply sources will be led by the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście and Baltic Pipe only, or there are other possible directions, Woźniak responded that „the terminal and Baltic Pipe are two basic directions of PGNiG’s diversification activities”.

– In mid- and long-term contracts, the deliveries must at least cover the demand of households, that is around 40 per cent of our portfolio in total. The rest must be contracted in a more flexible way – stressed Woźniak.

When asked what will happen in case of optional Russian gas purchase after expiration of Yamal contract, and whether it could be not imported in extreme situations at all, he pointed that „Gazprom could give us a market offer, like any other supplier”.

– In this situation, we do not rule out that the import will fully be based on Norwegian deliveries, through the terminal and EU markets. The decisions will be based on conditions of offers – he added.

„Ruch Śląsk” coal mine does not explore coal anymore. It will be headed to the Mine Restructuring Company

Ruch Śląsk, a part of Katowice’s „Wujek” coal mine, does not explore coal anymore. At leas in a month, its assets and employees will be headed to the Mine Restructuring Company (SRK) – reports Polish Mining Group (PGG)

According to the bill on labour unions, the employer must inform the social side about transferring the workplace or its part to a new employer, along with the date and effects at least 30 days in advance.

According to this the local head of „Solidarność” Piotr Bienek, transferring „Ruch Śląsk” to the Mine Restructuring Company will not happen before the 31st of January. – 1st of February is an unofficial option, but we do not have a formal information about the date, nor amount of people who would be moved to the restructuring company – he said.

Representatives of the Polish Mining Group do not share the details about transferring the assets to SRK. Previously, PGG’s CEO Tomasz Rogala announced that the coal mine would finish exploring in December and would be moved to SRK in January, in order to be disposed and arrange the post-mining assets. Vice-minister of energy Grzegorz Tobiszowski said in December that Ruch Śląsk could work a couple of weeks on, and it would be headed to SRK in early 2018.