Polish Briefing: “Putin hit agriculture with the energy crisis” | Morawiecki: Conclusions from the EU summit are Poland’s success

Prime Minister Morawiecki at HSW. Picture by Prime Minister of Poland
Prime Minister Morawiecki at HSW. Picture by Prime Minister of Poland

What goes on in Poland on the 24th of October.

“Putin hit agriculture with the energy crisis”

– Our security may be at risk, but maybe not in the short term. We have to cater to it. The links between energy policy and agriculture, and food security, are thighter than we think – stated Ryszard Pawik, Jerzy Buzek’s chief energy policy advisor at the Energy, Environment, Agriculture Conference in Grodno organized by the European Fund for the Development of Polish Villages. – In January 2022, the member states were to present strategic plans for spending on agriculture. Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, and the threats to food security became even more visible. Our plans have been verified in this respect, for example by supporting precision farming, rational use of raw materials and natural fertilizers, Pawlik said.

Morawiecki: Conclusions from the EU summit are Poland’s success

– The main problem in the whole of Europe today are very high prices of energy generated from gas, but also from other sources. These energy prices translate into huge economic problems – said Morawiecki. – We ended with conclusions that were good for Poland – the ones we expected, about which I mentioned. It is primarily an agreement on the maximum gas price realized through the so-called price corridor – he indicated before the start of the second day of the EU meeting, adding that the details have to be worked out by the EU energy ministers in the coming weeks. – We also talked about the voluntary mechanism of joint gas purchases. Our provision was also reflected here, and our postulate was taken into account in this discussion, informed the Prime Minister.