Polish Briefing: Russian spy plot to blow up trains in Poland thwarted I Papers on Poland’S NPP available to everyone

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Gazeta Polska: Russian spies in Poland were to blow up trains with aid for Ukraine

„A Russian spy network dismantled by the National Prosecutor and Internal Security Agency was planning to blow up trains with weapons and humanitarian aid for Ukraine,” the Gazeta Polska daily has reported.

Gazeta Polska (GP) reported on Wednesday that the Internal Security Agency, together with the Lublin branch of the prosecutor’s office, dismantled the largest Russian intelligence network operating in Poland in history.

„In total from March to July this year fifteen people have been arrested on charges of spying for Russia’s military intelligence. They could face up to 10 years in prison,” the GP said. According to the newspaper, these are citizens of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine.

The newspaper has also reported they received orders straight from Moscow, and got paid in cryptocurrencies (mostly bitcoin), which they exchanged to cash.

„The members of the spy network were paid by Russia to not just collect information, take pictures of civilian and military infrastructure, fuel anti-Ukrainian anti-NATO sentiments, but also prepare acts of sabotage,” the paper wrote.

Gazeta Polska learned that the 66 volumes of case files indicate that they planned to blow up trains carrying weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Polish Press Agency / Jędrzej Stachura

Poland’s first NPP open to discussions

The General Directorate of Environmental Protection (GDOŚ) has announced that as of 20 July everyone interested will be able to submit applications and comments on the documentation of the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland.

The Director General of Environmental Protection has announced that all interested parties will be allowed to read the case file and submit comments and proposals in connection with the ongoing proceedings on the decision on environmental conditions for the construction and operation of the first nuclear power plant in Poland.

GDOŚ informs that the case file will be available until August 18, 2023 in the Department of Environmental Impact Assessments of the General Directorate of Environmental Protection, at Al. Jerozolimskie136 in Warsaw on working days: Monday-Friday, from: 10.00-14.00, after prior arrangement of the date by phone number 22 120 29 50.

In addition, documents will be available on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of the Directorate-General for Environmental Protection.

This is a standard action under Art. 33, point 1 and art. 79 of the Act of 3 October 2008 on the Provision Of Information On The Environment And Its Protection, Public Participation In Environmental Protection And Environmental Impact Assessments.

The nuclear power plant with a capacity of up to 3,750 MWe is to be built in Lubiatowo-Kopalino, and the first reactor will begin operation in 2033. It will be the first such facility in Poland.

General Directorate Of Environmental Protection / Jędrzej Stachura