Polish Briefing: Tauron’s new onshore I Russia concocts a ridiculous story I Gaz-System plans for hydrogen

Tauron's Wind Turbine. Source: Tauron
Tauron's Wind Turbine. Source: Tauron

What goes on in Poland on the 6th of March.

Tauron builds a wind farm in Silesia

Tauron is starting construction of its first wind farm in Silesia. It will be built near Racibórz and will consist of 15 turbines with a total capacity of 33 MW.

Tauron will build a wind farm in Gamów, near Racibórz. The first teams are already preparing the site for the construction of wind turbines. It will be Tauron’s first onshore farm in Silesia. The company has 11 onshore wind farms across Poland.

„We are accelerating the implementation of Tauron’s Green Turn by dramatically increasing the capacity installed in green assets. We are investing not only in wind farms, but also in PVs. In addition to the Racibórz project, we also have three wind farms under construction with a total capacity of more than 110 MW and two photovoltaic plants with a total capacity of almost 150 MW,” says Paweł Szczeszek, president of the Tauron Group.

The company reports that the investment in the vicinity of Racibórz will have a total capacity of 33 MW. It will consist of 15 wind turbines, each with a capacity of 2.2 MW. Construction work will begin at the turn of March and April this year. Currently, preparatory work is underway on the site, and the first energy produced from the installation will flow in mid-2024 and will cover the demand of 28,000 households.

Currently, Tauron has eleven wind farms: Majewo, Piotrków, Zagórze, Wicko, Marszewo, Lipniki, Sniatowo, Mogilno, Inowrocław, Dobrzyn, Gołdap, where electricity is generated by 200 wind turbines with a total capacity of 416 MW.

Russia’s latest tall tale – mass burials at Poland’s Bogdanka mine

The Government Plenipotentiary for Information, Stanisław Żaryn has warned that Russian propaganda was disseminating fake news about mass burials of Ukrainian soldiers and foreign mercenaries at the Bogdanka mine in Poland.

„Russian propaganda collates lies about alleged mass burials at the Bogdanka mine (lubelskie voivodship), where the bodies of – often desecrated – Ukrainian soldiers, as well as foreign mercenaries supporting Ukraine, including from Poland, are laid to rst” the Plenipotentiary’s office said.

„Żaryn said that this lie was put into circulation by Russian propagandist Ruslan Ostashko. He posted the fake news on his Telegram profile and then, <in accordance with the Kremlin’s propaganda modus operandi> it was replicated by other channels of the Russian disinformation system,” he explained.

Gas-System invests in hydrogen pipelines

„Gaz-System will implement three hydrogen investment projects using European support instruments. The new TEN-E regulation provides for the possibility of granting PCI status to investments enabling the development of an integrated European hydrogen infrastructure through the implementation of projects in the field of transmission and storage of hydrogen and installations for the reception and regasification of liquefied hydrogen or hydrogen transferred in other chemicals (e.g. ammonia),” the company’s press release said.

Currently, the first PCI (Projects of Common Interest) hydrogen list is being drafted. Gaz-System applied for granting the status to three projects: the Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Framework, the National Hydrogen Core and the Damasławek hydrogen storage facility.

The Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor is an initiative to build a corridor for the transport of hydrogen from Finland, through the Baltic states and Poland to Germany. The second project is the National Hydrogen Framework, which includes infrastructure connecting national hydrogen producers, import sources, a hydrogen storage facility in Damasławek with final customers, and possibly local distribution networks. The third proposal concerns the storage of hydrogen in Damasławek.

A draft PCI hydrogen list will be published by the European Commission in autumn 2023. Gaz-System will be able to apply for co-financing of hydrogen projects from the CEF instrument after the adoption of the PCI list by the institutions of the European Union.