Polish Briefing: Tchórzewski stays, there will be no super-ministry


What goes on in Poland on the 25th of October.

Tchórzewski stays, there will not be a super-ministry

Minister of energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski will not lose his position according to information reached by BiznesAlert.pl. Media informed earlier on that the minister of energy in one of minister who would likely be dismissed in the framework of government reconstruction.

Ministries of energy and environment would be combined in one ministry – reported „Fakt” daily. According to the newspaper, in the framework of government reconstruction, Krzysztof Tchórzewski would have to lose his position. In the meantime, according to BiznesAlert.pl’s information, his position in the government is not endangered. Gossips about his dismissal and combining ministries of energy and environment have been appearing for several months.

According to „Fakt”, minister of infrastructure Andrzej Młynarczyk would lose his occupation and his tasks would be overtaken by Ministry of Development. Division of Ministry of Digitalization is also taken into consideration. Its tasks would be partially overtaken by Paweł Szefernaker from Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Interior and Administration, Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Development.

The changes will also reach the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Witold Waszczykowski is to be replaced by Krzysztof Szczerski, currently head of President’s office.

Brussels will consult regulations for Nord Stream 2

European Commission will lead consultations with Russia and Ukraine about planned regulations for Nord Stream 2 pipeline – informed EU sources. The project will be announced soon.

It is about an amendment for 2009’s gas directive which is a basis of the Third Energy Package. European Commission is preparing a change to dispel the doubts whether EU regulations relate to sea part of Nord Stream 2.

European Parliament, whose attitude towards Nord Stream 2 is critical, already announced that it will want to work on regulations as quickly as possible. EC is leading its internal works in a fast track procedure. Potential problems may appear in the Council, but EU sources point out that it would be hard for Germany, who is enthusiastic about Nord Stream 2, to support its objections towards sealing EU law. If it happened – according to sources – Berlin could be isolated by other countries and the regulation would be accepted in spite of Germany’s statement.

President Duda signed a bill increasing defense spending

On Monday 23rd October, President Andrzej Duda approved a bill that gradually raises defence spending: – It is necessary to increase Poland’s’ defence budget as more money is needed for the army’s modernisation and transformation as well as increasing its headcount – said the President.

The President Duda recalled his meeting with the Prime Minister and Ministers in the Belvedere before the NATO summit in 2016 and stressed that Prime Minister Beata Szydlo and her government also saw the necessity of raising the defence budget.

In 2018 and 2019, Poland will spend at least 2 percent of its GDP on defence, and the level will start to grow afterwards, from 2.1 percent of GDP in 2020 to the ultimate level of 2.5 percent by 2030. It will be calculated with reference to GDP in the current year, in line with NATO practice.

Previously, the spending was determined on the basis of the previous year’s GDP. Despite remaining at 2 percent throughout 2018 and 2019, „the budget will increase in real terms thanks to the calculation methodology” – stressed Pawel Soloch.