Polish Briefing: The Distance Act has taken another step on the legislative path | Warsaw will have access to gas from the LNG terminal and Baltic Pipe thanks to the new gas pipeline


What goes on in Poland on the 16th of January.

The Distance Act has taken another step on the legislative path

The draft of the distance act, which was adopted by the government in July 2022, received the printing number today and was sent for the first reading in parliamentary committees. Work on the document may be completed at the next session of the Sejm, which will be held on January 25.

– The draft of the distance act adopted by the government in July received a printing number on Friday and was sent for the first reading in parliamentary committees – we read on the Sejm’s website.

The document will now be analyzed by the Committee on Energy, Climate and State Assets and the Committee on Local Government and Regional Policy. Government spokesman Piotr Muller hopes that work on the bill will be completed at the next session of the Sejm, scheduled for January 25.

Warsaw will have access to gas from the LNG terminal and Baltic Pipe thanks to the new gas pipeline

The construction of the 308 km Gustorzyn-Wronów gas pipeline, an investment carried out by Gaz-System, is underway. It will supply, among others, the Warsaw Agglomeration with gas from the Baltic Pipe and LNG terminals.
The Gustorzyn-Wronów gas pipeline, with a total length of approx. 308 km and a diameter of 1000 mm, is a key investment to ensure the flexibility and security of gas supplies to customers in central Poland. The main task of the new gas pipeline is to connect the hub and gas compressor station under construction in Gustorzyn (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship) with the hub and compressor station in Wronowo (Lubelskie Voivodeship).