Polish Briefing: The government wants to subsidize the expansion of the infrastructure accompanying the nuclear power plant and help farmers with the purchase of artificial fertilizers


What goes on in Poland on the 26th of August.

The government wants to subsidize the expansion of the infrastructure accompanying the nuclear power plant

The Council of Ministers wants to introduce a program to support investments in nuclear power plants in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. – Infrastructure investments are to enable efficient implementation of energy infrastructure located in this voivodeship, in particular nuclear power plants – stated in the release.

The Council of Ministers plans to introduce permanent support for investments in the infrastructure of a nuclear power plant and power transmission network in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The program is to be launched in the third quarter of this year and will last until 2029.

– The government plans to establish a long-term infrastructure investment support program in connection with the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Pomeranian Voivodeship for the years 2022-2029, which provides for the construction of hydrotechnical infrastructure in the communes of Choczewo and Krokowa and the construction and reconstruction of roads providing access to these towns, according to the list of works legislation and program of the Council of Ministers. The value of the program is estimated at nearly PLN 4.8 billion, according to the press release.

The government plans to help farmers with the purchase of artificial fertilizers in the face of the crisis

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MRiRW) and the Ministry of State Assets are working together on a system that will enable farmers to purchase fertilizers at attractive prices. This is the government’s response to record fertilizer prices.

On Tuesday, the management board of Grupa Azoty announced a temporary suspension of the production of nitrogen fertilizers, caprolactam and polyamide 6. The decision was based on a record increase in the price of natural gas.

A similar decision to suspend the production of fertilizers due to high gas prices was made by Anwil, a company owned by PKN Orlen. As announced, the company, like Azoty, will carry out renovation and investment works during the downtime of production lines.

While the fall stocks are sufficient, the spring situation can be very difficult. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, together with the Ministry of State Assets, decided to develop a system that would allow farmers to purchase fertilizers at moderate prices. So far, the ministry does not present any details.