Polish Briefing: The MAP team will convince trade unions to Orlen, Lotos and PGNiG merger | An offshore sector agreement to be signed in mid-September


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of August.

The MAP team will convince trade unions to Orlen, Lotos and PGNiG merger

The Minister of State Assets (MAP) has met with the representatives of trade unions to discuss the concept of creating a multi-energy company with the participation of PKN Orlen, Lotos Group and PGNiG.

„During the meeting, the process of building a Polish multi-energy company was discussed – its importance for the national economy and the benefits of the merger. At the same time, it was agreed to establish a working team that will include representatives of the merging entities and the social side. The task of the team will be to familiarize employees with the merger process, provide information on its course and goals and assumptions, as well as develop solutions to secure employment conditions for employees of the consolidated enterprises,” informs the Ministry of State Assets.

The head of MAP, Jacek Sasin, admitted that the acquisition of PGNiG by PKN Orlen should be completed in mid-2022, and Lotos before the end of this year.

An offshore sector agreement to be signed in mid-September

The sectoral agreement for the development of offshore wind energy will be signed on September 15, said Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Ireneusz Zyska.

„There are over 150 entities from Poland and abroad, represented by several hundred people,” said Deputy Minister Zyska during the Forum Wizja Rozwoju in Gdynia on Thursday. He added that a report on the so-called good practices for the development of the sector will be published. Zyska informed that the sectoral agreement is to be modeled on the British “Sector Deal” and will define, among others, conditions for obtaining the highest level of the so-called local content, i.e. the degree of share of the domestic supply chain in offshore projects.

„Local content in the sectoral agreement for the first phase of the implementation of offshore wind farm projects will be 25-35 percent, for the second phase, but limited by the caesura in 2030, 45 percent and over 50 percent after 2030, “ said Mariusz Witoński, president of the Polish Offshore Wind Energy Society. Zbigniew Gryglas, Deputy Minister of State Assets, pointed out that companies involved in the first offshore projects are already starting preparations for contracting, among others, components and services.