Polish Briefing: The new unit in Turów is fully operational | German Greens protest against Poland’s nuclear power plans.


What goes on in Poland on the 26th of July.

PGE: The new unit in Turów is fully operational

„Unit 7 (formerly 11) with a capacity of 496 MW at the Turów Power Plant is now fully available to the transmission system operator”, Polska Grupa Energetyczna informed.

After the planned shutdown, commissioning of the 496 MW unit at the Turów Power Plant was completed. „The unit is ready for operation and can already produce electricity in accordance with the demand reported by the transmission system operator,” PGE reports. Yesterday, the company announced that, due to the measurement works, the unit will be able to fully operate on July 29. However, the work was completed earlier.

The block was shut down according to the schedule provided for in the contract. The maintenance works began on June 19, 2021. During this time, the contractor performed a technical inspection of the equipment after the first month of operation. The optimization and maintenance were carried out for, among others, the feed water pumps, electrostatic precipitator, coal mills and the addition of new reserve drains at switching stations. „During the break, the contractor analyzed the devices that work with the electrostatic precipitator in terms of ash removal and optimization measures, and decided it was necessary expand the scope of works in the electrostatic precipitator area,” PGE said in a statement. The company assured that the scope has not been expanded in relation to coal mills. Earlier it has been speculated that other coal parameters were the reason why the new unit faced problems and had to be switched off. „The quality of the coal delivered to the boiler meets the design requirements. This is due to long-term forecasts of coal parameters and plans for its extraction. The quality of the supplied coal does not pose any operational problems for the new unit,” PGE emphasized.

Germany’s Greens protest against Poland’s nuclear power plans. Intelligence services warn.

The German Greens have organized a protest against the construction of the first ever nuclear power plant in Poland. Among the participants were the Polish MP from Civic Coalition T. Aniśko and A. Emmendörffer who’s a candidate for the German Parliament from the Greens. The protest was picked up by the German media that cited the Polish MP who warned of the hazards linked to radioactive waste disposal. Aniśko also called for the funds for the plant to be redirected to “the renewable energy” projects. As for the German politician, she warned that the nuclear power plant would take a toll on Germany. She also hoped that Berlin would “take it seriously to keep us citizens most affected by this project up to date on this, and to make the Polish government refrain from its plans,” Stanisław Żaryn, the Spokesman of the Minister-Coordinator for Intelligence Services in Poland, informed.

Both the German politician and the Polish MP suggested that “nuclear power plants are an archaic solution” and warned that “nuclear energy is a high-risk technology for future generations in terms of production and storage.”

„In recent weeks we have observed an intensification of coordinated activities of the Russian media – including the Kremlin’s mouthpieces – targeting the Polish nuclear energy program. The activities in Germany on this issue may share the same goal with the Russians,” Żaryn explained.