Polish Briefing: The youth wants Poland to quit coal by 2030


What goes on in Poland on the 28th of August.

The youth wants Poland to quit coal by 2030

On Thursday, a group of several dozen activists and climate activists from all over Poland took part in a demonstration in front of the Ministry of State Assets under the slogan „Poland without coal 2030”. Initially, the ministry’s door was closed to them, and when they began to deliver their petitions in front of the building through megaphones, one of them was let inside.

The youth held banners with slogans calling for an urgent departure of Poland from coal. – I’m terrified of the future that awaits me. More frequent droughts, floods, hurricane winds, a world full of conflicts over resources and living space, climate migrations – for my generation this is not a science fiction film script, but a realistic direction in which Poland and the world are heading. We only have 10 years to avert a climate catastrophe and we can no longer remain inactive. We have to move away from coal by 2030 – one of the protesting activists, Patryk Kowalczyk from Warsaw, appealed during the event.

– Despite the great public interest in the subject of the climate crisis, politicians and politicians exclude ordinary people from the discussion and follow the interests of the coal lobby. Therefore, in today’s protest, activists from all over the country exercise their right to vote and decide about their own future. The task of the rulers is to protect us from the black scenario of a climate disaster, which is why we submit oral petitions to the Minister of State Assets – each of us has our own, but our goal is common: Poland without coal 2030! – said Dominika Lasota, a climate activist from Bydgoszcz.