Polish Briefing: Trump’s visit to Poland with Nord Stream 2 in the background


What goes on in Poland on the 2nd of August.

Trump’s visit to Poland with Nord Stream 2 in the background

US President Donald Trump and his wife will visit Poland and Denmark – says the White House. The purpose of the visit is, inter alia, to „face common security challenges in the region”.

The Americans are considering introducing sanctions on the disputed pipeline from Russia to Germany called Nord Stream 2. The Senate Foreign Affairs Committee approved a draft of such restrictions, which still has to go through both houses of parliament and get signed by President Trump.

The White House’s announcement informs that the US president will take part in the commemoration ceremony of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II in Warsaw, and then in Copenhagen he will meet the Queen of Denmark and representatives of the local business. Interestingly, Denmark’s disagreement with the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline may delay the implementation of the project, which was originally to be completed by the end of this year.

Tchórzewski: Applications for compensation for higher energy prices can be submitted until August 13th

The Sejm adopted an amendment to the law on energy prices extending the deadline for submitting statements on energy price compensation, all indications that it will be adopted. At the press conference, the minister of energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski, confirmed that the law provides that it will be extended from July 27 on August 13.

The Sejm adopted an amendment to the law on energy prices extending the deadline for submitting statements on energy price compensation. – Everything indicates that the amendment will be accepted. I would like to confirm that the law stipulates that it will be extended from July 27 on August 13. If someone has submitted applications after the deadline, they will be valid. If someone comes back from holiday, they can submit it – said the Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski at a press conference.

– There has been controversy regarding the classification of small and medium-sized enterprises in purchasing groups. Together with MPiT, we decided that they will be treated separately in this area to the extent that the contract with the energy supplier provides for it – said the Minister of Energy.