Polish Briefing: Ukraine wants synchronization with the EU and an energy hub with Poland


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of July.

Ukraine wants synchronization with the EU and an energy hub with Poland

„You can not develop industry, create new jobs and build an economic system if you are accompanied by a persistent risk factor – the policy of a hybrid war on Russia’s side” – noted the chairman of the Energy Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine Alexander Dabrowski. „Do not isolate Ukraine from the European energy market” – this is the appeal and message that was given by the delegation from Ukraine in the European Parliament at the meeting on the occasion of the Energy Day of Ukraine in Brussels.

On Tuesday, July 10 in the European Parliament, a report on the state of reforms in the energy sector of Ukraine was presented. The Chairman of the Energy Committee of the Parliament of Ukraine, Aleksander Dąbrowski, presented the state of implementation of the European Union law in the system of legal regulations of Ukraine. The Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Igor Nasalik, presented the strategic directions of energy sector reforms.

„The Ukrainian energy sector has the largest potential in Central Europe – it is 55,4 thousand MW of installed capacity. The largest European power plant is in Ukraine. Nearly 56 percent Ukraine’s energy production comes from the nuclear energy sector. Ukraine is also close to 31 bcm gas storage. Ukraine has been appealing since launching joint work on the establishment of an energy hub in Central Europe „- emphasized in the speech of the Minister of Energy of Ukraine. Aleksander Dąbrowski continued: „Ukraine’s energy sector plays a central role in the energy security of Central Europe and, based on cooperation with Poland and the Baltic States, we can build an energy hub that will oppose the dictate of the Russian energy monopoly.”

Ukraine’s plans in the energy sector

That is why Ukraine has been implementing a full synchronization program for 3 years. The first stage of the process is to be the Energy Bridge Ukraine – European Union project. „The essence of the project is that there is a 750 kV line between Poland and Ukraine. A cross-border line that has not been in business for 24 years. The exploitation of this line was halted when Poland synchronized its system with the European Union and Ukraine remained in the Russian system. The 750 kV line (Chmielnicka – Rzeszów) is an energy asset of value and strategic importance for the energy security of the Central Europe region. Today, the 750 kV energy line is a symbol of Ukraine’s isolation in access to the European Union’s energy market. Let’s change it and make this a symbol of energy cooperation, which Ukraine has been calling for for several years”- said Aleksander Dąbrowski. Minister Igor Nasalik announced that the tender for the implementation of the Energy Bridge Ukraine-European Union project based on public-private partnership will be announced this summer. „We invite investors to implement the project, the energy sector of Ukraine is an attractive investment area” – he stressed.

„Ukraine – as the first country experienced what the hybrid war means, including in the energy sector. This experience is a painful lesson for all members of the European community. An experience from which we should draw knowledge and formulate directions of European energy policy. Nord Stream 2 can not lead to the isolation of Ukraine and Poland. It is a project against the idea of ​​energy solidarity, which is the foundation of the European energy security policy „- summed up Michał Monia, Polish MEP.

The meeting in the European Parliament was attended by MEPs and representatives of the energy sector, experts and representatives of the European Commission and the European Association of System Operators for Energy Networks.