Polish Briefing: Young climate activists want the 10H rule to be loosened and a new tax for energy companies | Trade unions protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office in Katowice


What goes on in Poland on the 25th of October.

Young climate activists want a loosening of the 10H rule and a new tax for energy companies

On November 18, activists from the Youth Climate Strike will appear on the streets of Polish cities. They will put forward specific demands for the government – they want to loosen the 10H rule, which is blocking the development of onshore wind energy in Poland, a new tax on energy companies, and want the Polish energy system to be based on PVs and wind farms.

They argue that the outdated energy system is the source of the current crisis and blame all the governments of the Third Republic of Poland equally for this delay, but demand that the current government take immediate action. – We again call for the inclusion of the profits of energy and fuel companies in a solidarity contribution. Within 6 months, PGNiG generated a higher profit than in the entire previous year. Energy trading companies take advantage of the market turmoil and unrest, and are increasing margins. They dictate prices to consumers several or several dozen times higher than a year ago. We cannot let them get rich in the crisis. This money should go to Polish women and Poles to save us in the crisis – says Agnieszka Żuk, co-organizer of the protest in Wrocław.

Trade unions protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office in Katowice

Unionists are again demanding a meeting with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. This time they wanted to brick up the front door to his office. The reason for the protests is the (un)availability of cheap coal.

Onet.pl reported that members of the Free Trade Union “August 80” organized another protest regarding the availability of cheap coal. On Monday, they started a strike outside the office of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in Katowice. They demanded a meeting with the head of government. – The trade unions started to build on the main door of the building. Then policemen armed with shields and gas intervened. They were inside trying to open the door to stop the protesters. A struggle ensued – says Onet.