Polish Briefing: Russia’s disinformation may hit the Polish nuclear program | The patron of the liberalization of the distance act will leave the government


What goes on in Poland on the 5th of August.

Security service warning: Russia’s disinformation about the nuclear power plant in the District is expected to hit the Polish nuclear program

Minister Coordinator for Secret Services, Stanisław Żaryn, warns that the Russians are running a disinformation campaign aimed at hitting the Polish Nuclear Energy Program. – Russian propaganda is trying to show that Poland does not need its own nuclear power plants, because it will be better if it brings energy from Belarus or Russia – he warns. He comments on the text about the nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad District.

– Stanisław Stremidłowski, permanently involved in disinformation campaigns against Poland, published a comment in early July in which he claims that Poland intends to join the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad District, writes Żaryn. – In the text, he writes that Poland is one step away from „revising relations with Moscow”. The columnist emphasizes that the decision to invest in a Russian nuclear power plant will mean a change in attitude towards Russia.

Stremidłowski also insists that Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia had a common goal of blocking Nord Stream 2, but „after Washington surrendered” their alliance „does not make sense”. This is supposed to be a reason why Poland could join the nuclear power plant in the District. According to Żaryn, the text has numerous theses to convince the reader that Poles are on the verge of joining this project and manipulating them, which suggest that the only alternative are small modular SMR reactors.

The patron of the liberalization of the distance act will leave the government for criticizing the Polish Deal

A key official from the point of view of liberalizing the distance act, thanks to which it will be possible to develop onshore wind energy in Poland, lost her position due to the dispute over the Polish Deal program presented by the United Right.

Government spokesman Piotr Muller informed on Twitter about the resignation of Anna Kornecka, Undersecretary of State of the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, responsible, inter alia, for the plan to liberalize the regulations limiting the onshore wind farm in the distance act. The reason is the „unsatisfactory pace of work on key projects of the Polish Deal” in terms of facilitating the construction of houses with an area of ​​70 square meters and the purchase of apartments without own contribution.

The dispute over the Polish Deal may be of importance for the future of the revision of the Distance Act. BiznesAlert.pl informed about the progress of work to loosen the regulations, which so far in practice ruled out the possibility of building new onshore wind farms. Meanwhile, the energy sector, including state-owned companies, want to build them and are counting on friendly regulations.