Successful market screening for Poland-Ukraine pipeline capacity


The non-binding market screening for capacities between Ukraine and Poland has been conducted by the Polish and Ukrainian natural gas Transmission System Operators, GAZ-SYSTEM and Ukrtransgaz. The procedure has enabled network users to declare their non-binding demand for the Capacity at the Poland-Ukraine border, in both directions of the flow. The results of the Procedure will be now analysed and taken into account by both TSOs in the future works concerning the expansion of the Capacities at the Poland-Ukraine border.

Between the 6th of April and 8th of June 2018 the market participants had an opportunity to express their non-binding interest in transmission capacities at the Poland-Ukraine border, in both directions of the flow.

Both TSOs have observed substantial interest from the market participants in transmission capacities in both directions. The following potential interest have been observed:

• approximately 3.9 bcm in PL -> UA direction
• approximately 1.6 bcm in UA -> PL direction, on a long-term basis, excluding the flows resulting from the existing transit contract.

On GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. side, any new capacity in the Ukrainian direction may be made available starting from 2022.

The above results of the non-binding market screening constitute very sound basis to conduct further joint analysis and studies on development of the infrastructure between transmission systems of Poland and Ukraine. The analysis shall also give the ground to the decision on potential binding capacity allocation procedure as the next step of the process.

Both TSOs shall inform the market participants about the further steps.

Source: Gaz-System