Polish Briefing: Tauron’s green strategy. Three-quarters of power will be of low- and zero-emission


What goes on in Poland on the 29th of May.

Reasons for updating the strategy

Increasing the share of low- and zero-emission sources in the TAURON production mix to over 65 percent – this is what assumes the update of the Group’s strategic directions. The document complements the TAURON Group Strategy for 2016-2025.

– Introduction of new options to the Group’s strategy will be the basis for a safe and sustainable transformation of TAURON, and will increase the investment potential for the development of renewable energy sources – says Filip Grzegorczyk, President of the Management Board of TAURON Polska Energia. – The updated strategic directions include changes in the market and regulatory environment, primarily the creation of a dual-energy energy market in Poland, coming into effect the BAT conclusions, the reduction of support for conventional energy after 2025, and the increase in prices of CO2 emission allowances – explains the President.

Investments in offshore wind farms and photovoltaic sources

The new strategic directions are based on the development of clean energy, which will be the basis for building the value of the TAURON Group. By 2025, investments are planned for wind farms on land (additional 900 MW), solar farms (additional 300 MW) and involvement in the construction of offshore wind farms.

– Thanks to the implementation of the planned activities, it will be possible to increase the share of low- and zero-emission sources in the generation structure of the TAURON Group to nearly 30 percent in 2025 and over 65 percent in 2030. For some of the planned projects, we assume the acquisition of financial partners and implementation of investments with approx. 20 percent the TAURON Group’s capital share and the ability to manage these assets by the Group – says Marek Wadowski, Financial Vice President of the TAURON Polska Energia.

Tauron is considering the sale of mining and heating segments and shares in the PGE EJ 1 nuclear company

TAURON, in accordance with the assumptions of the new strategic directions, will conduct market verification of the possibilities of optimizing the portfolio of capital investments and limiting operations in the mining and heating segments. The option includes the sale of shares in Elektrociepłownia Stalowa Wola and PGE EJ1. Pptions for searching for buyers of Zakład Górniczy Janina and TAURON Ciepło will be also analyzed. 

Old coal units will be replaced by renewable energy 

– Planned investments in renewable energy sources with a total capacity of 1200 MW and replacement of depleted units by putting a unit of 910 MW in Jaworzno into use will help reduce the TAURON Group’s emission intensity by over 20 percent by 2025 and by more than 50 percent by 2030 comparing to 2018 – emphasizes Jarosław Broda, the Asset Management and Development Vice President of the Board at TAURON Polska Energia.

Sales and development of new products and services are to constitute a strong base for the Group’s growth. In this area, the Group plans a dynamic development of the offer for individual clients, enterprises and local governments. This will allow to maintain the current customer base buying TAURON products and increase profitability.

We will put emphasis on extending the portfolio of services for business clients, including in the field of asset and energy infrastructure consultancy and energy efficiency improvement. The intelligent electricity management system from TAURON, which is installed in multi-storey buildings, e.g. shopping malls or office buildings, is able to generate savings in our customers’ energy consumption by several percent over the year. We will also develop smart city solutions tested in Wrocław and services in the area of ​​widely understood electromobility. By the end of 2020, a network of 150 charging stations for electric cars and a complete system for managing e-mobility will be put into operation – says Kamil Kamiński, Customer and Corporate support Vice President of the Board at the TAURON Polska Energia.