Tchórzewski: Poland is not prepared for a massive expansion of RES


We need to prepare for it in an evolutionary way, and parallel to renewables we want to build nuclear power plants, said Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski at the session of the Energy and Treasury Committee of Polish Sejm.

As he emphasized, Poland wants to develop RES, so that by 2030 their share in a final gross energy consumption would be 

– We are aware that the progress of RES development must go in parallel with ensuring a reserve power. The development of transmission, distribution and energy storage infrastructure is necessary, he stated. He pointed out that the pace of RES development will boost after 2025, when the development of green technologies will have allowed the growth of these sources in the system, without burdening economy excessively. 

– RES auctions in 2018 confirmed that renewable sources will soon reach market maturity. We expect similar results in 2019, said Tchórzewski, adding that this year at RES auctions will be available to get 3400 MW, of which 2,500 MW is a wind capacity and 750 MW the solar one. 

Tchórzewski stressed that Poland wants to back out of coal progressively. – Currently, its share in energy production is approx. 77 percent. By 2030, it will have fallen to 60 percent. We  annually use over 30 million tons of coal for the production of energy, thanks to what we generate – 70 TWh. There is every indication that this volume will remain stable, and we believe so. At the same time, it will drop to 60 percent of energy production, he added.

He also mentioned that it is necessary to build a nuclear power plant. He again confirmed plans that the first block will be put into service in 2033, and by 2043, the installed capacity in nuclear power plants should be at least 6 GW. – However we need a decision in principle regarding the project of a power plant construction. The preparation is under way, afterwards we will choose the technology, general contractor and location, he stated.

He reminded that currently one fourth of the all produced energy in Europe comes from nuclear power plants, there are over 120 nuclear units, and the nuclear sector employs about 800,000 people.

According to the Minister, nuclear energy is needed to secure stable energy supplies and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Tchórzewski also believes that the nuclear power plant project is an opportunity for Polish enterprises. – About 60 percent of the installations of a nuclear power plant can be built by Polish companies, because as many as 70 of them have an experience in the implementation of such projects, he concluded.