Polish Briefing: The team that will consolidate companies in the fuel and gas sector established


What goes on in Poland on the 21st of December.

The team that will merge Polish state-owned companies in the fuel and gas sector was established

The Ministry of State Assets (MAP) established a team for the consolidation of companies in the Polish fuel and gas sector, including PKN Orlen, Grupa Lotos, and PGNiG. MAP published an order on this matter in the Official Journal.

„The tasks of the team will include carrying out work on the consolidation of companies in the Polish fuel and gas sector, including PKN Orlen, Grupa Lotos and PGNiG, as part of the exercise by the Minister of State Assets of rights from shares in these companies owned by the State Treasury”, the Ministry’s official statement said.

„As part of the tasks referred to in paragraph 2, the team cooperates with professional advisers of the State Treasury and develops recommendations for the Minister of State Assets and the Council of Ministers regarding decisions of these bodies resulting from legal provisions, in particular the Act of 16 December 2016 on the principles of state property management (Journal of Laws of 2020, . item 735), which may be related to the consolidation of the companies referred to (…),” the new regulation stated. The chairman of the team will be the director of the supervision department.