The winning coalition reveals energy plans

Donald Tusk. Source: Flickr
Donald Tusk. Source: Flickr

Last Friday at noon the Civic Coalition, Third Way and New Left signed a coalition agreement. The contract determines the direction of cooperation of the potential new government. It also delves into the energy industry.

„The accelerating climate crisis is an undeniable fact, as is the fact that human activities are the root cause. We will work together to prevent climate change and reduce its impact on the lives of Polish citizens,” says the coalition agreement.

The newly formed coalition plans to further move towards Poland’s climate neutrality. According to the document, the priority will be to accelerate the green energy transition and the first step will be to create appropriate legal acts.

„The parties of the Coalition will jointly take measures to increase the share of renewable energy sources in electricity production. This will be possible thanks to, among others, unlocking the potential of onshore wind energy, photovoltaics, biogas plants, the development of competition and the involvement of the private and local government sectors,” point 8 of the deal explains.

The first nuclear power plant and whether the agreements concluded by the Law and Justice government will not be torn up or changed has been also addressed.

„At the same time, we will develop the fundamentals for a coherent nuclear energy program and define precisely how it will be financed. Our goal is also to modernize and expand the transmission and distribution networks. In order to secure funding for these projects, we will unlock funds from the National Reconstruction Plan and allocate all proceeds from the ETS emissions trading system to investments in the energy transition,” the coalition members promise.

The coalition also plans to ensure low energy prices based on healthy competition mechanisms and clear market rules. The basis for any government action will be prosumer energy. The coalition also declares it is ready for social dialogue and respects agreements. The fight against energy poverty is another cornerstone of the adopted policy.

Marcin Karwowski