The USA is returning to Davos. Polish threads of the conference


The most important in Davos 2018 was the world’s first confrontation: globalism and antiglobalism. AP Agency notes that Trump is the first US president to take part in the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos since Bill Clinton in 2000 – Bloomberg assessed it a little bit maliciously – President Donald Trump welcomed by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum – came to Davos to consolidate his „America First” agenda. And consistently promote the principle of sustainable trade between the USA and its economic partners – writes Teresa Wójcik, editor of

Confrontation among high society

The most important in Davos 2018 was the world’s first confrontation: globalism and antiglobalism. Of course, Davos it is not only about formulating new ideas that are supposed to push the world to the point of making a difference. It is also about social and business meetings. Also for purely practical and logistic reasons: everyone that is important is there. The media saying as nauseam that American politicians and presidents considered the trip to Davos as a great opportunity to „do” the whole of Europe in one week instead of flying for formal, informal and working visits around the year. Similar opportunities are also enjoyed by others, e.g. the great leaders of China. In his speech on the last day of the Forum, the President of the United States stressed that his slogan „America First” is also a message to world leaders: „a thriving US economy is beneficial to all, especially when it is driven by fair economic competition.” One of the objectives of his presidency is to strengthen ties with US allies and to build global support for American companies.

The most important thing is well paid work

For 55 minutes, Trump gave his Credo and argued that he had come to Davos to represent the interests of the American people, while at the same time offering friendship and partnership to the American people in building a better world. Free from the violence, poverty and fear that are present in the world, but we can gradually free ourselves from them. As now, the US is being freed from stagnation, unemployment, and threats. „Since my election, 2.4 million jobs have been created in the United States, and business and trade optimism is one of the highest in the history. Tax cuts from 35% to 21% and increasing investment in re-industrialization contributed to this – said Trump. The tax reduction law is expected to raise the average income of the American family by more than four thousand dollars – he added. Total investment in the US economy will amount to more than $350 billion over the next five years. Until recently, bureaucrats in the USA, as in many countries, have imposed crushing anti-business and anti-labour regulations on our citizens. This was done by people who were not elected in the elections, without a legislative debate, people who bear no real responsibility. This has ended in America. The best fight against poverty is a well-paid job and this job is and will be available in the USA – as Trump assured.

The most important Polish threads in Davos

The participation in Davos of Polish politicians, headed by President Andrzej Duda and Polish businessmen, should be regarded as beneficial. According to minister Krzysztof Szczerski, the President’s Head of Cabinet: „We will be consuming the effects of the talks of the Polish delegation in Davos for the next year.” President Duda met President Trump at the Forum today, as informed by Szczerski, and talked about bilateral economic cooperation. The atmosphere of the talks was warm, the presidents emphasized „a very good state of political relations between the two countries and their personal sympathy.” Special attention was paid to cooperation in the field of energy and American investments in Poland and national defence.

President Trump’s speech at the Forum devoted a lot of time to this issue. The aim of the US Energy Policy is now to eliminate the regulations and practices that restrict energy production in order to ensure national energy security and affordable electricity for citizens and companies. Energy is the foundation of our civilisation and economy. We will also support our friends around the world in this regard. No country should be hostage to a single energy supplier. We are also making special historical investments in our armed forces. – Because we can’t have prosperity without security – said Trump. – Today we must make the world safer from armed violence, terrorism and tyranny. That is why we are asking our friends and allies to invest in their own defence and to fulfil their financial obligations to national defence. Everyone should make a fair contribution to collective defence.”

Continuation of further Polish-American contacts will naturally continue directly on Saturday (27 January) with Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State in Warsaw.

„Davos Men”

The World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, has been an important instrument for world events for over 45 years. In 2004, Samuel Huntington, a famous American philosopher, put into circulation the term „Davos Men”, calling so a new elite of the world of globalization century. Though not all of this elite wanted to appear in Davos, such as former President Barack Obama, one of the persons permanently absent from the Forum. Last year, Xi Jinping and Putin, President of China (and Head of the Communist Party of China) tried hard to fill this gap after the US last year. At that time, the anticipated loss of two values – a free market and globalisation – began openly between the US and China. Both values were defended by Communist China, which was the world leader in politics, economy, and climate protection. At that time these were sensations. Today the situation has changed the most completely. Donald Trump is celebrating. For some, a dream leader, for others unwelcome, but again representing the powerful United States.

A compromise necessary for trade and migration?

In addition to Soros’ strong opposition, new leaders were ready to build a new global consensus. President Emmanuel Macron apparently wants to become their leader. The basic problem left over from the Davos Forum is very serious: is it possible to find a compromise for international trade and migration? A plane that can reconcile necessary restrictions on the opening of borders defending national interests with the rejection of autarchy and isolationism.

In a speech in Davos, Trump said that America is open to business and that it is a good time for companies to invest in the United States. The growth of the US economy is also a demand for reform of the international trade system. A system that will not allow some countries to use others. „We support free trade, but it must be just and fair, because, in the end, unfair trade harms all of us. Therefore, the US will not turn a blind eye to unfair business practices, including mass theft of intellectual property, illegal industrial sponsorship and statism. We expect the leaders of other countries, too, to protect fair interests in international trade agreements. The US is ready to negotiate mutually beneficial bilateral trade agreements with all countries, or perhaps a group if it is in our interest” – said Trump to the Forum participants. He stressed his commitment to the free market within a framework of fair conditions (according to his understanding) – this is to be, as he stressed, the cooperation of free nations for free purposes.