Polish Briefing: Discussion about climate neutrality is a priority


What goes on in Poland on the 25th of May.

Kurtyka: Discussion about climate neutrality is a priority

Energy concerns Poles not only because of energy prices, but also by growing social expectations. We inherited a certain energy system; we have coal-based manufacturing capacities that will end their lifespan – said Michał Kurtyka, deputy Minister of Environment, at the Forum of Vision of Development. As he emphasized, in Poland there was also awareness on such topics, for example in the matter of smog. – In addition, there is an international imperative – we have an EU climate target for 2050, which is the subject of debate and after the results of the European Parliament elections we see that this is a priority. Our energy system will have to change from monoculture to a diversified system. More and more often we will focus on photovoltaics, which will satisfy summer peaks of demand – emphasized Michał Kurtyka.

Another of the flagship projects in his opinion will be offshore wind farms, which „guarantee the stability of wind, or stability for the system.” – In addition, there is a nuclear energy, which will provide a stable, zero-emission energy in the base. So far, in the context of climate policy, we have only been thinking about energy. The discussion on climate neutrality is a civilizational discussion, because it applies to all branches of the economy, such as transport, industry and construction, or our customs, for example dietary – he said.

He also mentioned that the smog phenomenon will not disappear by snapping the fingers. – Social sensitivity will wake up, the most convenient would be if the distribution of the Clean Air program funds was simplified. We are conducting a creative dialogue with the European Union in this area – said the deputy Minister of the Environment.

Chludziński: Forecasts for KGHM are good, because there are no equivalents for copper

Most of our production is in Poland, but abroad, we sell most of our products. That is why the global economic situation is a key indicator for our investments – said KGHM President Marcin Chludzinski at the Development Vision Forum in Gdynia.

Chludziński said that macroeconomics is an important parameter for KGHM: – We can see it also in Poland; record-breaking industrial production or retail sales in small companies for many years. It can be said that the government’s economic policy gives extraordinary results. We sell 20 percent of production in Poland, the rest in the world, on all continents, with 80 percent of production in Poland – said the president of KGHM.

Chludziński added that whether the economy is developing is an indicator for KGHM if it is worthy to invest more: – We look in the perspective of 10-15 years, and the prospects for copper are good, still the demand will be greater than the supply; copper has no equivalents. This trend is good for us. We are one of the leading copper producers in the world, and we also produce lead and sulfuric acid, among others – said the President of KGHM.