Poland and the UK launch a new initiative for the development of electromobility


„Electromobility is the technology of tomorrow. And we have ambitions for Poland to contribute to the global climate policy. We want to create global trends by proposing a Partnership and an annual Forum in this area” – said Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Environment, President of COP24 Michał Kurtyka, presenting a new global project for the development of electromobility.

Minister Kurtyka presented a new initiative for the development of electromobility and zero emission transport – „Driving Change Together Partnership”. Secretary of State also discussed the content of a joint letter prepared by him and Minister for Business and Industry of the United Kingdom Richard Harrington to be sent out to world leaders, inviting them to join the Partnership.

„By analysing the global growth rate of electric vehicles and being aware of the growing requirements for improving air quality and public health, it can be expected that the world is facing an era of electricity in the automotive industry. We want to contribute to this” – said Kurtyka. He added that the project carried out together with partners from the UK is a proposition of support for this new branch of transportation. – „The Polish COP24 Presidency proposes establishing e-mobility as one of the main topics of this year’s COP and to launch a Partnership in this area. We want these actions to become an impulse towards ensuring universal opportunities to live in clean, environmentally friendly cities” – he stressed.

President of COP24 Michał Kurtyka added that Poland already has experience in the implementation of electromobility, which can be shared with others. As part of the Polish Strategy for Responsible Development new legislation has been implemented to promote low- and zero-emission vehicles on national roads. The Clean Transport Package includes the E-mobility Development Plan, the National Framework for the Development of Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Policy and the Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels, which includes incentives for drivers. The Ministry of Energy of Poland has also prepared the Low Emission Transport Fund, serving as a financial instrument of the package.

„Last month’s IPCC report was a stark warning of the potentially devastating effects of climate change, but with this challenge comes one of the greatest industrial opportunities of our time – clean growth. The UK has the led the world in cutting emissions while growing our economy and just weeks ago we held the world’s first summit to accelerate global investment in zero emission technology and infrastructure. Ahead of COP24, the UK and Poland are calling on all countries to renew their efforts to accelerate the transition to low emission vehicles to create a cleaner, greener legacy for future generations” – said UK Government Business Minister Richard Harrington.

Source: COP24