Poland’s first geopolitical think tank in Washington


According to Marcin Gawęda, president of the think tank – being at the same time its associated U.S.-based foundation – „the strategic goal of The Warsaw Institute Foundation, as the first Polish geopolitical think tank in Washington, is to reinforce Polish interests in the United States.”

Established in June 2018 in Virginia, The Warsaw Institute Foundation is a twin organization to the Poland-based Warsaw Institute. Its experts hold regular meetings with American institutions, which constitutes an excellent occasion to depict a Polish perspective on such important issues as geopolitics, international order, historical policy, energy and military security as well as the Polish attitude towards Putin’s Russia. „All activities of our association are essentially aimed at setting up a consensus around politics, cultural and economic relations between Poland and the United States”, Mr. Gawęda said.

Bernard Bartnicki, one of the initiators of The Warsaw Institute Foundation, stresses out that – as a young Pole and an American – he can notice the need to create and develop a strong organization whose aim will be to enrich U.S.-Polish ties. „I am deeply convinced that our Warsaw branch will play a predominant role in disseminating knowledge about geopolitical conditions of Central and Eastern European countries”, he emphasized.

Bart Bagniewski (The Warsaw Institute Foundation) focuses on the need for further deepening of Polish-American relations: „We consider partner communication with the American state administration as a key factor since the government pursues a policy being consistent with the U.S. interests, regardless of current regime or political conditions in Poland”, he added.

The Warsaw Institute Foundation remains in close cooperation with the Warsaw Institute based in the Polish capital. Their partnership seems best evidenced by the U.S. promotion of the „The Warsaw Institute Review” – an English-language quarterly that is regularly delivered to the world’s top 1,300 research, analytical and expert centers.

In March this year, all experts, who later contributed to works of The Warsaw Institute Foundation, took an active part in an international conference on the Polish Three Seas Initiative, organized jointly by Poland’s Warsaw Institute and The Heritage Foundation in Washington. The event was attended by renowned guests, including Chief of Cabinet of the President of Poland, Professor Krzysztof Szczerski. In addition, representatives of The Warsaw Institute Foundation accompanied President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda during his September visit to the United States as well as they participated in a conference held by The Jamestown Foundation; the meeting, attended by Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland, Piotr Naimski, was devoted to such issues as the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline.

Source: Warsaw Institute