Polish Briefing: Talks about Turów have been suspended until next week | Eastern Wielkopolska the first Polish region to join the Powering Past Coal Alliance


What goes on in Poland on the 25th of June.

Talks about Turów have been suspended until next week

„The Polish-Czech talks regarding the Turów Mine will be continued next week. They will start again on Tuesday”, informed the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
The talks between Poland and the Czech Republic had been held in Prague for three days. The delegations also met earlier in Prague, and also made a study visit to KWB Turów. „Both parties want to settle the dispute amicably. However, both the scale and the level of detail of the interviews take time and require in-depth involvement of experts. Therefore, the talks will be continued in the coming days,” Michał Kurtyka the head of the Ministry of Climate and Environment said.

Eastern Wielkopolska became the first Polish region to participate in the Powering Past Coal Alliance

During a ceremony at the British Embassy with the participation of the Ambassadors of Great Britain and Canada in Poland, representatives of regional and local authorities of Eastern Wielkopolska, as the first region in the country, signed a declaration to join the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) – an international alliance of over 120 countries, local governments local companies and companies that are moving away from burning coal in the power industry.

Eastern Wielkopolska is one of Poland’s mining regions with two coal-fired power plants with a capacity of over 1 GW. About 4.000 people are employed in the mines and power plants. Membership in the alliance will allow the region to share its experience of implementing an ambitious energy transition plan on the international arena. Eastern Wielkopolska plans to abandon coal combustion by 2030 in the energy and heating sectors, and in the longer term, i.e. by 2040, to achieve climate neutrality, at the same time creating alternative jobs thanks to the support of e.g. the EU Just Transition Fund (JTF).