Strona główna Blog Strona 242

Castlings within the Polish Ministry of Energy after the elections to the European Parliament

If Deputy Minister of Energy Grzegorz Tobiszowski goes to Brussels as a MEP, the change in the ministry will be needed – Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, a journalist of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

Former German Vice-Chancellor at Gazprom’s lobbyist congress


Former German Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, who announced his political retirement, will open the International Business Congress in Bonn. This is Gazprom’s lobbying organization described by

The green pivot of Tauron is to cost PLN 5-6 billion PLN (REPORT)

Tauron updated the strategy to respond to the challenges faced by the energy sector. As the company’s management emphasizes, in the face of the announced lack of support for coal, the corporation wants to develop zero- and low-emission sources. The energy transformation of Tauron is expected to cost about 5-6 billion PLN.

The green wave did not reach Poland

High turnout in elections to the European Parliament makes them a measurable indicator of political preferences in Poland. In our country, unlike in Germany or France, there has been no success of the parties who are in favor of an ambitious energy transformation – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

The plan to clean up oil from Russia targeted by disinformation

The plan to mix up dirty oil from Russia is in question. However, this is not the responsibility of the Germans or Poles, but only Russians, whose foul oil locks the Druzhba oil pipeline. Something else is suggested by the Russian media. Talks on this topic took take place last Friday in Warsaw – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Buzek: We will achieve the success of energy transformation together or not at all


Climate neutrality until 2050 – this is the most important postulate of the new long-term energy and climate strategy of the European Union. The European Commission had published it a few months ago, just before the COP24 climate summit in Katowice began – writes prof. Jerzy Buzek, former Prime Minister and current chairman of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy in the European Parliament.

US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 will force the EC to speak up

The US announcement about sanctioning Nord Stream 2 companies requires EC to take a relevant action and speak up. Although, due to the political reasons (EU’s states involvement in NS2), it is difficult for EC to fully team up with US on sanctions against Nord Stream 2, this situation begs for a vocal reaction from the Commission – writes Grzegorz Krzyżanowski, a co-operator of

Another protest of the Youth Climate Strike in Warsaw

On Friday, May 24, the Warsaw youth will leave the school for the third time in order to fight the passivity of politicians on the progress of climate change. This time the match will be held under the slogan: „Strike before it gets hot!” – informed the Youth Climate Strike (MSK).