„On the one hand, our hearts go out to the people who are hiding in the forests and are in danger of freezing. However, pragmatism makes us realize that this is an artificial situation created by Putin. On top of that we cannot let the institutional legal order be undermined just because there are many people, in one place, who have been smuggled across Russia,” says Jarosław Wolski, an expert on defense in a conversation with BiznesAlert.pl.
Wolski: Migration crisis benefits Russia that fuels emotions and destabilization (INTERVIEW)
Zawistowski: Polish market needs to come out of crisis mechanisms
„The new government will have to make a decision about terminating the future crisis shields, but I understand that this is a difficult issue. We have a little more time for further analysis. Let’s remember that the market does not like unexpected decisions and uncertainties,” Piotr Zawistowski, President of the Polish Power Exchange (TGE), tells BiznesAlert.pl.
Poland joins an alliance to support Ukraine’s cybersecurity
On December 20, the foreign ministries of Denmark, Estonia, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom announced the establishment of the Tallinn Mechanism, whose task will be to provide digital support for Ukraine and strengthen its cybersecurity.
A nuclear alliance with Poland aboard is fighting for money
A nuclear alliance with the participation of Poland calls for the climate policy to be based on renewable and nuclear energy. It’s a game for money that can bankroll Poland’s nuclear power plant in Pomerania.
Germans fight against Polish port and resort to disinformation
German opponents of the construction of a container port in Poland’s Świnoujście yet again disseminate inaccurate and erroneous information to the press about their actions and the new terminal. This time they claim to be fighting for the rule of law.
Poland’s first nuclear power plant takes another step
Polish Nuclear Power Plants (PEJ) have announced they will start prepping the construction site of Poland’s first NPP for a geological survey. Choczewo 24 has also reported about the next working meeting in the municipality.
Jakóbik: Orlen will go green despite scandals
The noteworthy greening of the Orlen logo is only a symbol of a larger change in the development strategy of this concern, which has confirmed in its strategic documents that it intends to loosen ties with fossil fuels regardless of the political turmoil in Poland – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief at BiznesAlert.pl.
Kloc: EU should prioritize strengthening the Three Seas Initiative
„Strengthening and integrating the Three Seas area would improve the geopolitical situation of the European Union. The Nordic, Baltic, Polish and Romanian states are most interested in creating a common deterrent force against Russia. This group is also devoid of collaborators willing to sell the sovereignty of their allies for oil or gas,” writes Izabela Kloc, Member of the European Parliament.
Baltic Pipe cost more because of Putin, but it paid for itself anyway
Danish Energinet.dk, which is responsible building the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline from Denmark to Poland, together with the Polish Gaz-System, has admitted that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased the the pipe’s cost, but it paid for itself anyway.
Poland is dropping coal-fired energy fast
PSE, the operator of the National Electricity System, reported that the percentage of hard coal in electricity production fell in November to 49.36 percent year-on-year.