Strona główna Blog Strona 295

Poland follows EU line on Iran nuclear deal

Poland will not impose sanctions on Iran and it will adhere to European Union’s policies on the nuclear deal, Polish Foreign Minister said.

Return of TTIP for abandoning Nord Stream 2?

If media information is confirmed, Trump will propose a deal to Europe that can strike Nord Stream 2 and help improve transatlantic relations, mainly in trade – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

An agreement on the costs of Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania costs reached

The transmission system operators of the Baltic States and Poland concluded the process of executing the cross-border cost allocation agreement on Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) project on 11 May 2018.

Warsaw Institute: Baltic Pipe on the horizon

A year ago, only a few people knew about the Baltic Pipe project, a pipeline that is supposed to constitute the gas connection between Poland and gas fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. In addition, the gas interconnector project was then in its concept phase. Today, the project is widely known to Polish society who is more and more eager to be in favour of the idea (according to a public opinion poll conducted in February 2018, 90% of Poles support the implementation of the project); moreover, the Baltic Pipe is advocated by the governments of Poland and Denmark. The capacity of the pipeline for 15 years was has already been allocated as well as competent bodies have already started to issue permits essential for the construction of a the new gas corridor. It is crucial to trace how the project has developed from idea to decision over the last twelve months. It will be helpful to illustrate the project’s importance as well as to indicate its complexity.

Pulaski Foundation: Gas Crisis Communication – Results of Interviews with Governmental and Civil Actors in Poland

Civil actors perform an important role in strengthening the energy security. Those actors provide the tools to the researchers and educate the society through creating the information space. So, it is important that communication between governmental bodies and civil society actors really works. “Energy security and effective strategic communication between the civil and governmental actors: V4+Ukraine” is a project financed by International Visegrad Fund and implemented by Casimir Pulaski Foundation – writes Dr Natalia Slobodian, Research Fellow of Casimir Pulaski Foundation.