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What will the new European electricity market design be? CEEP is preparing for negotiations

The European Council together with the European Parliament and the European Commission will be working out a new European electricity market design, in trilogue negotiations, over the coming months. As a result, the new regulatory design for the EU electricity market is taking shape, but there are concerns in the sector regarding the new rules on the table. One of the main issue discussed in Brussels and all over Europe, it’s the future of capacity mechanisms, a topic that is tackled in extenso in this CEEP Report.

The Warsaw Institute: Russian rockets over the Baltic Sea

Almost at the last moment, Russia informed that it would conduct rocket tests in the Baltic Sea, which caused serious concerns in the countries neighbouring that sea. Latvia was especially outraged because Russian rockets would appear in the airspace of its economic zone. Provocative tests are another Russian step towards the reinforcement of its military potential in the Baltic Sea, but they can be also considered as an instructional element of the scenario concerning the war with Baltic countries.

This is not yet the end of the Russian oil eldorado

The times of the oil eldorado for Russia are slowly coming to an end, but the effect of sanctions imposed on Russian companies and the budget can only be felt in 10-15 years. The condition is to keep them in power – said Dr. Szymon Kardaś, an analyst at the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW), in a comment for the

Jakóbik: Gazprom won? Commission falls back

German Chancellor is pressing on minimum transit of Russian gas via Ukraine, aiming to conclude at the Nord Stream 2 deal that was forged by Russia supporters in her government. Gazprom conveniently applauds. Meanwhile, the documents obtained by show that the Commission is yielding to Russian giant in its antitrust proceeding – by Wojciech Jakóbik, chief editor of

Emission charge vs. smog (REPORT)

It is not disputed that the quality of air in Poland is bad. „We are a sick man in Europe and we have several years to improve the quality of air,” Piotr Woźny, Government Plenipotentiary for the fight against smog, told a press conference on 9 April in Warsaw. The meeting was also attended by Adam Czyżewski, chief economist at PKN Orlen and Adam Pawłowicz, vice president at Lotos Paliwa.

Question marks around Chinese expansion in Central Europe

The problems of the Chinese company CEFC in the Czech Republic pose a question not only about economic security related to Chinese investments, but also about the political security of Central Europe – writes Łukasz Kołtuniak for

Polish Briefing: Will Lotos take Orlen over?

What goes on in Poland on the 11th of April.

Leak: EC knows Gazprom abuses. There will be no consequences?

Commission’s documents reveal how Gazprom abused its dominant position on the EU gas market. DG COMP Statement of Objections against Gazprom leaked earlier this week in Brussels, as the Commission struggles to finalize the antirust proceeding before the construction of Nord Stream 2 starts.

Merkel: Nord Stream 2 impossible without clarity on transit through Ukraine

According to Reuters, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline cannot go ahead without clarity on Ukraine’s role as a gas transit route, appearing to harden her stance towards the project.