Strona główna Blog Strona 304

PGE in transition. Good financial and operating results in 2017

The company’s EBITDA for 2017 reached PLN 7.6 billion, which is 4% higher than in the preceding year. EBITDA adjusted for one-off items was PLN 6.5 billion, up by 5% from the previous year. This results from a higher lignite-based production volume, positive impact of newly-acquired assets and higher returns on distribution.

PISM: Rosatom Goes Green

Rosatom, the Russian nuclear champion, is planning to gradually enter new markets like renewable energy, electric vehicles, and energy storage. The company has significant advantages and know-how to build its experience in these areas and its strategy is also coherent with the Kremlin’s plan to develop renewables in Russia. The successful implementation of these plans will allow Rosatom in the long run to strengthen cooperation with developed countries that abandon nuclear energy and invest in green technologies and electric vehicles. It will also help Russia to extend its political influence – writes Bartosz Bieliszczuk, analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM).

OSW: Aims and the consequences of the Russian attack on the United Kingdom

On 12 March, the British Prime Minister Theresa May issued an ultimatum that the Russian government explain how the Novichok combat nerve agent, which has been produced in Russia since the 1980s, came to be used on 4 March in Salisbury against Sergey Skripal (a British citizen and a former GRU colonel convicted in Russia for collaborating with British intelligence) and his daughter Yulia – writes Witold Rodkiewicz, analyst at OSW.

Possible Co-Operation between Prairie Mining and JSW

Prairie Mining Limited (“Prairie”) and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (“JSW”) have entered into a Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”) following Prairie’s approach to JSW with respect to potential co-operation regarding Prairie’s Polish coal projects. The purpose of the NDA is to allow for the exchange of technical and commercial information in order to facilitate substantial and more advanced discussions regarding any potential transaction(s) options in respect of Prairie’s projects.

Nord Stream 2 corrupted Europe

The day after the expulsion of the group of Russian diplomats from some European Union countries, Germany gives final approval for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. As one of the managers of the Polish company wrote rightly, it was not possible to choose a worse moment for such a decision – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in chief of

PSPA: Bus Revolution

3,5 thousand new buses for alternative fuels are to go to the streets of Polish cities in the next 10 years. Currently, there are about 90 electric buses in operation in the country and about 350 CNG gas buses, and another about 180 alternative vehicles have been ordered – according to the report „Alternative fuels in public transport”, presented during on the 20th of March at the Polish Congress of Alternative Fuels. The event was under the patronage of

Cyberspace is an equally important front of critical infrastructure defense

The FBI and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) information from March 15 this year, urging infrastructure and energy companies to update their security systems, is not a surprise. For several years now, there has been a growing awareness of countries around the world on cyber security issues. Such a trend does not come out of nowhere – writes Jakub Syta, director of cybersecurity at Exatel.

Denmark and the United Kingdom at the threshold of the Nord Stream 2 opponents’ camp

The development of accidents in Denmark and Great Britain will be important in the coming weeks for the fate of the Nord Stream 2 project criticized in Poland and a number of other European Union countries.