Strona główna Blog Strona 307

What can the US do about Nord Stream 2?

The letter is a sign that there are strong anti-Russian sentiments and continued pro-European attitudes in the US. The assumption is that blocking Nord Stream 2 would help Europe’s energy security – writes Dr. Anna Mikulska from the Center for Energy Research Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University in Houston.

Mrs. Chancellor, please pull back from Nord Stream 2

Germany is effectively blocking initiatives that can, if not block, at least imply the EU law towards Nord Stream 2 investment, criticized by the European Commission. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Poland may be the last opportunity to speak honestly about this topic. Germany should support the revision of the gas directive if they want to remain credible in the Energy Union project, writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

PGE is between the nuclear energy and RES (INTERVIEW)

On the occasion of publication of its annual results, PGE has announced that by mid-twenties it wants to have 1000 MW offshore wind capacity in the Baltic Sea. The announcement was criticised by a recognised expert and commentator from, Professor Władysław Mielczarski of the Łódź University of Technology. The issue was commented by Monika Morawiecka, PGE’s Head of Strategy.

Polish silk road

At, from the very beginning, we have been examining the initiative of „One Belt, one Road”, called the New Silk Road. Can Poland make money on this initiative so as not to harm itself and the transatlantic community?

The US send a signal, but sanctions against Nord Stream 2 are still missing (ANALYSIS)

The call of US senators to block Nord Stream 2 does not mean that Washington will impose sanctions on this project, although it is possible. This is another signal that will convince allies in Europe to a harder attitude towards Gazprom and its projects, such as the controversial gas pipeline – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Yatsenyuk: Nord Stream 2 is anti-Ukrainian, anti-Polish and anti-European

On Friday, a conference 3 Revolutions of Ukraine took place in the College of Europe in Natolin. Three honorary guests took part in the opening panel: former French President Francois Hollande, former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. The central theme was Ukraine – its relations with the European Union, conflict with Russia and the role of the church in Ukrainian society in this special period.

OSW: Russian assault on Great Britain is supposed to devide Europe

On 12 March, the British Prime Minister Theresa May issued an ultimatum that the Russian government explain how the Novichok combat nerve agent, which has been produced in Russia since the 1980s, came to be used on 4 March in Salisbury against Sergey Skripal (a British citizen and a former GRU colonel convicted in Russia for collaborating with British intelligence) and his daughter Yulia – writes Witold Rodkiewicz, analyst at OSW.

Poland is willing to cooperate with China before the COP24 summit

On the 13th and 14th March of 2018, at the invitation of the Ministry of Environment, a Chinese delegation headed by Xie Zhenhua, China’s Special Representative on Climate Change Affairs, was hosted in Poland. This visit is connected with Poland’s preparations for the COP24 summit, which will be held in Katowice in 2018, it is also another step towards continuation of good cooperation between the two countries.