Strona główna Blog Strona 321

Westinghouse can drop out of the game for the Polish nuclear power plant

– Westinghouse, undergoing bankruptcy, received a financial „helping hand”. However, it is not clear whether it will regain its position as one of the world’s leading suppliers of nuclear technology. It seems that it has also fallen out of the race for the Polish nuclear power plant – writes Piotr Stępiński, editor of

Korolec: Electromobility support or imported used diesel cars

The draft Act on Electromobility and Alternative Fuels passed the first reading in the Sejm. The only objection to further work on the bill was expressed by Krzysztof Sitarski, a representative of Kukiz’15. However, this objection was withdrawn after Michał Kurtyka, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Energy, gave explanations. Thus, the bill was submitted to the parliamentary committees. It will be handled by the Committee for Energy and State Treasury and the Committee for Infrastructure.

Developers launch EIA for Baltic Pipe gas project

Polish gas transmission operator, Gaz-System, and its Danish counterpart, Energinet, have started work on securing a positive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for their proposed natural gas pipeline project, the Baltic Pipe.

Will Lex Baltic Pipe open the Northern Gateway more widely?

Poland wants to consistently pursue its policy of diversifying gas supply sources and thus reducing its dependence on Russian raw material supplies. For the first time in official government documents, Warsaw informs about the plan to abandon the Yamal contract after its expiry – writes Piotr Stępiński, editor of

Eco-zones are a chance to fight against traffic jams and smog

The introduction of special zones in cities with smog phenomenon was widely discussed for the first time in Poland in the spring of 2014. Krzysztof Bolesta, analyst, talks with about the idea of creating zero-emission zones. 

CEPA: Understanding Russian energy disinformation

On January 9, CEPA hosted a roundtable discuss on Russian disinformation in the energy sector featuring insights from Alan Riley, senior fellow at the Institute for Statecraft. The conversation was moderated by CEPA Executive Vice President Réka Szemerkényi with comments from CEPA President Peter B. Doran.