Strona główna Blog Strona 330

Creating a TSO branch within Ukrtransgaz is a positive step towards unbundling

Establishing a business unit with TSO functions at Ukrtransgaz that will be further transferred to PJSC Mahistralni Gazoprovody Ukrainy (MGU) assists the TSO unbundling model chosen by the Ukrainian government. Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopač said that during his presentation of the Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report at the meeting of the Ukrainian parliament’s Energy Committee on 9 November.

WSF 2017: There would be no Euromaidan without the Eastern Partnership 

The project of the Eastern Partnership has lost momentum in recent years due to the destabilizing activity of Russia. The panel entitled “Securing the Future of Eastern Neighbours of the EU: revision of the Eastern Partnership?” at the Warsaw Security Forum, on which held its media patronage, was a good opportunity to summarize its achievements and talk about the future.

Gazprom’s signal to Brussels. Nord Stream 2 for liberalization? 

The issue of liberalization of gas exports from Russia has returned. Did Gazprom send a signal to the European Commission to convince it to Nord Stream 2? – Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of, wonders.

Poland and Japanese companies talking about nuclear power

A Japanese-Polish seminar dedicated to nuclear energy will be an opportunity for talks between the Ministry of Energy and Japanese companies, who could build a Polish nuclear power plant after winning the tender.

Revolution in energy markets connection. Poland is not in the last places anymore

European Commission’s expert group is proposing a new approach towards markets connection. It shows that Poland is not doing as bad as it was suggested before when it comes to the interconnections capacity building.

The government removes the fuses out of the energy sector

The energy policy of the current government has faced at least two obstacles: The Energy Regulatory Office and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. There is a plan to get rid of them from the system – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of

Does the LNG come from Russia? Russian propaganda in the Polish newspaper

– This could be the biggest scam in the industry. The liquefied gas, which reaches Europe on American ships, is purchased in Russia – thunders Rzeczpospolita daily. However, it is not about liquefied gas nor about supplies from the USA – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of