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PISM: Russia-Saudi Arabia Cooperation. Potential and Limitations

Arabia and Russia promote contrary approaches to resolving the conflict in Syria as well as differ in their perceptions of Iran’s role in the Middle East. This splits in interest limit cooperation in the armaments sector. The new sphere of Russian-Saudi cooperation is energy, especially in the oil market. Russia seeks to use Saudi Arabia as an instrument to undermine U.S. influence in the Middle East – writes Agnieszka Legucka, analyst at Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs.

PISM: U.S. policy towards Russia is a continuation of Obama’s approach

Trump used the opportunity of his visit to Poland (6 July) to give his most important foreign policy address since taking office—and the first one outside of the United States. The speech helped dissipate some doubts surrounding the substance of U.S. foreign policy. Still, the country’s policymaking process is marked by internal tensions – writes Bartosz Wiśniewski, analyst at the Polish Institute for Foreign Affairs.

The European Commission seeks a mandate to conduct talks with Russia on Nord Stream 2

The European Commission started formal efforts to receive from Member States the mandate to negotiate with Russia the legal regime in which the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will operate & presented its proposal of this mandate on 26 June at the meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (TTE, referred to henceforth as the Council of the EU).

Contracts after the Three Seas Summit

„During the 3Seas Summit Polish and Croatian operators on the LNG market signed cooperation agreements. Is this the maximum the business alliance proposed by presidents of both countries can yield?,” asks Wojciech Jakóbik, editor in chief of

Naimski: US LNG offer has be a bargain

In an interview for the Polish Radio Piotr Naimski, the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure talked about contract negotiations for US LNG  deliveries to Poland.

Three Seas Initiative is not against integration, it is for it (coverage)

During the Atlantic Council PISM Global Forum 2017 in Warsaw the President of Croatia announced that the 3Seas countries would ask the European Commission to create a special fund for the construction of new infrastructure in the region. The leaders of Bulgaria, Croatia and Estonia talked about its potential. 

Croatia’s President to BA: Trump promised LNG for 3Seas

0 talks to Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Croatia’s President.

Adieu Paris: what’s next for climate policy if Trump ditches the Paris Agreement?

US President Trump has made it clear that he is not happy with the Paris Agreement. This week he will announce whether the US will withdraw from the Agreement altogether. What might that mean for the global fight against climate change? US decarbonisation is already well underway but the EU would need to step up and defend global climate governance.