Strona główna Blog Strona 363

Hackers may attack the energy sector. Poland is arming itself


In an interview for Polskie Radio 24, the Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure, Piotr Naimski warned against cyber attacks on energy infrastructure. Polish companies are getting ready for such a possibility.

Central Eastern Europe Innovators Summit. Polish technology revolution

The Polish economy, destroyed by communism, for years did not have suitable conditions to function on the basis of its own technology. Today, thanks to the fourth industrial revolution, Poland has a historical opportunity to build its own new brand in the world markets.

Baltic States Seek Security, Reduced Dependence on Russia

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, with the support of the European Commission, want to synchronise their power grids with European systems to reduce their dependence on Russia. A compromise reached on a connection via Poland does not specify the technical details and the Baltic States still have differences about what they want. Further support for integration of the electricity sector is in the interest of Poland but should be conditioned on the compliance of all three countries and funding from the European Union.

Green Energy Production in Poland is Decreasing

„After a brief increase, green certificates which were supposed to support the production of clean electricity went down again. Their price dropped to the lowest level in their 12-year history. According to a report published by this situation will not change quickly, despite the fact that we are producing less and less electricity from renewable energy sources,” writes Bartłomiej Darski, editor of WysokieNapię 

Poland may become a world leader of cybersecurity

Poland stands a chance to become a global leader in the cybersecurity sector. Our potential is proven by the increasing value of the local ICT market, which in 2016 was worth USD 8.5 billion. Every year 30 thousand students graduate in IT from Polish universities. „We should start treating cybersecurity mostly as an investment, not as a cost,” stressed the Kościuszko Institute in its latest report: „Security through innovations. The cybersecurity sector as a driving force of economic growth”.

Poland hopes for medium term LNG deal with U.S.

On June 8, on the premises of the Lech Kaczyński LNG Terminal, a ceremony welcoming the first LNG delivery from the US to Poland took place.

Limits of innovation in energy are disappearing


Last week I participated in the Impact CEE Conference. It was professionally organized, had a rich and fleshed out program filled with strong messages. The „energy and resources” panel hosted a number of interesting presentations, especially by Bertrand Piccard, a Swiss entrepreneur who circumnavigated the Earth in a solar-powered plane; and by Jarosław Brody, TAURON’s Vice-President of the Management Board responsible for development. The organizers also invited a representative of VPPlant, i.e. myself to give a speech,” – writes Grzegorz Nowaczewski, CEO of Virtual Power Plant.