Polish Briefing: Poland responds to the German Greens’ report on nuclear power


What goes on in Poland on the 1st of February.

Poland responds to the German Greens’ report on nuclear power

The Ministry of Climate and Environment commented on the report criticizing the Polish nuclear energy program, commissioned by the German Green party. – Germany participated in consultations on the scope of the environmental report –the ministry said in response to questions from BiznesAlert.pl.

– In our opinion, the theses contained in the article are untrue, and moreover, they are based on the assumptions of the report, which was not disclosed in full, but only in fragments. The assumptions that formed the basis of the presented forecasts are not known, therefore it is difficult to recognize its credibility –the Ministry of Climate argued. – In 2010-2013, a strategic environmental impact assessment of the draft Polish Nuclear Power Program (PPEJ Program) was carried out. Germany took an active part in the cross-border consultations and reported around 30.000 comments. All comments were carefully analyzed. Reasonable comments were included in the Program.

– Poland sees great importance in cross-border consultations. In case of the PPEJ, this process took about three years, because all the submitted comments were thoroughly analyzed – the ministry told BiznesAlert.pl. – The update of PPEJ in 2020 was of a technical nature, and involved the preparation of an abridged version of the document. The substantive scope of the update of the PNPP, i.e. assumptions, objectives and directions of activities related to the implementation of nuclear power in Poland, as well as the planned locations of nuclear power plants, their number and capacity, have not changed. Germany also participated in consultations on the environmental report, which, after its preparation, will also be the subject of cross-border consultations. The provision defining its scope took into account many of the German demands.

– The latest public opinion poll commissioned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment in November 2020 showed that 62.5 percent of the respondents support the construction of nuclear power plants in Poland. Most Poles (75.1 percent) consider the topic of building a nuclear power plant important. As many as 70 percent of Poles believe that building a nuclear power plant, which is a low-emission source of energy, is a good way to fight climate change. 72.6 percent believe that building a nuclear power plant in Poland is a good way to increase the country’s energy security, the ministry said in a response.