The Ministry of Climate and Environment confirmed to that it will continue to work on organizing the funding for the nuclear power plant in Pomerania with a contract for difference due to the Electricity Market Design reform (EMD) and the need for notification to the European Commission.
New government set on bankrolling Poland’s first NPP with a contract for difference
Kowalik: NATO needs pipelines on the eastern flank (INTERVIEW)
„Just before a hypothetical armed conflict, it will be apparent that it is coming. We will then have to move a lot of forces, equipment and supplies – including fuel – to prepare the Armed Forces. This will compete with other needs. NATO pipelines can play a key role,” says Brig. Gen. Tomasz Kowalik, PhD., Deputy Chief of Staff for Security in the Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin in a conversation with
Jakóbik: FSRU’s to be or not to be moment. Poland has one week left
Poles have until the end of January to choose the supplier of the floating gas port. Its fate is to be decided by Gaz-System, which is in a state of interregnum – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief at
Still no timeline for the construction of the installation port in Gdańsk
The project to build an installation terminal in Gdańsk is still in the design phase. Once again, the deadline for submitting binding offers has been postponed, this time to the end of February this year, and time is running out – writes tró
Climate Minister in talks with the US ambassador about nuclear power
The Ministry of Climate and Environment had to deny speculations about changing the location of the NPP in Pomerania, and now the Minister is talking to the US Ambassador about cooperation with the new government.
Jakóbik: Burger, kimchi and a French dessert, plus a grain of truth in the legend of Żarnowiec
The Polish government is considering using various technologies to build nuclear power plants. The French are counting on the second location after the first is in the hands of Americans, and the Koreans are fighting for the progress of the project in Konin. Whereas local governments are using disputes over nuclear power before the elections – including the legend of Żarnowiec – writes Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief at
Tusk’s assurances about NPP and Morawiecki’s warnings about hinging on energy imports
The Prime Minister of Poland has assured that nuclear projects in Poland will actually speed up, while his predecessor warns that delaying the NPP in Pomerania would result in making Poland dependent on energy imports.
Koreans hopeful their project in Pątnów will continue, so they open an office in Warsaw
Korea’s KHNP has opened an office in Warsaw to build a nuclear power plant in Poland.